I pulled an alternator off my Navara that the previous owner had installed. The pulleys didnt even come close to lining up with the balancer/ water pump. It has written on it in black texta Navara 4X4 but mines a 2wd, so its definately not for my navara anyway. I was thinking maybe a Courier because its got Motorcraft stamped on it aswell as Bosch. All the numbers I can find is:
9120 080898
U-K1 (I?)-1(I?)IV 50A22
And it has 346 stamped along the side of whats written above. I was going to ask Papa Smurf, but times are a changing ( hope he's well), so thats out of the question. I am a little retarded with the net, but I did punch all the numbers into the net in an attempt to find what its from but had no luck. Your help would be appreciated as this alternator is still almost new and I hope to sell it to make the dosh back from the purchase of its replacement ( the correct alternator).