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Help rewiring my ignition switch 


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 Post subject: Help rewiring my ignition switch
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:47 am 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 29

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Ride: Ford au 99

Location: Melbourne
VIC, Australia

Hello, my ford falcon forte au 99 fell victim to someone trying to steal it. They ripped every wire from the switch and left them hanging, on a tight budget and have to move house so in desperate help to get my car going broom broom lol
Which wires connect to where!
 Post subject: Re: Help rewiring my ignition switch
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:05 am 
Oompa Loompa
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Did the pr*ck steal the barrel too?
If he didn't, you can rewire the barrel. I found a few links:

If your car DOESN'T have Smartshield (you can tell this by looking on the windows, if they have the smartshield sticker then the car has smartshield, if not then the car does not. Another way to tell is explained in this link: post1226326.html) then these links might be useful to you:

This thread contains the wiring codes for an EF, not 100% certain if its the same on a AU or not:

Yellow - Constant from battery
yellow/red - ignition
black - ground
yellow/blue - acc
red/black - start

The barrel contains a code that is read by the BEM. If the code is nonexistant or incorrect, Smartlock will not disengage and therefore the car won't start. If your able too, try finding an ignition barrel from the wreckers. Wire it up to the car and let it sit for an hour to relearn the new barrel. I'm giving mine away for free but I have an EL and am uncertain if it would work. A simple hotwire won't work with these cars.

If your car DOES have Smartshield, then I'm pretty sure your in trouble. I don't know much about Smartshield at all but I believe some additional programming needs to be done... somewhere :? Something to do with a transponder chip in the key as well as the barrel.

Sorry I couldn't give you much help there mate, still a newbie unfortunately. Just sharing what I've learnt with the E series security systems. One of the much more experienced blokes will shed some better light on this
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