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Wiring harness 


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 Post subject: Wiring harness
Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 6:11 pm 
Stock as a Rock

Age: 37

Posts: 179

Joined: 6th Aug 2014

Ride: ford

Location: yorke peninsula
SA, Australia


will the el 6 cyl left engine bay harness work together with the ef 6 cyl right hand engine bay harness and plug in and work together and

will the el right engine bay harness work with the ef left engine bay harness which is ecu side and ef dash harness and ef under dash harness and plug in and work together

of does the whole engine bay and dash harness have to be all ef or all el

Asking because got hold of a full el engine bay harness to change to the xh log manifold which is what ed has using a xh ecu and you need the xh ecu which is same plug as the el harness is as the xh wiring is modified el harness

If you can use the el power harness which is right side section in a ef with the ef left ecu side engine bay harness and the ef dash and under dash was going to throw the el right engine harness in now and then there won’t be as much to do on day

It’s only if the el right harness from engine bay will work with ef left engine bay harness and the 2 ef dash harness sections otherwise will have to pay to have lot done all at once.

To use the el manifold harness it should be a matter of running the tps and ics wires different way as that’s what you do to convert to bbm but we’re going other way

Hope you’s can understand post

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