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XH Van Conversion 


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 Post subject: XH Van Conversion
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:18 pm 
Parts Gopher

Age: 57

Posts: 60

Joined: 10th Jul 2012

Ride: Falcon Xh

Location: Newcastle
NSW, Australia

WOW..... The $$$$$$$$$ I have spent on the van recently is getting to be obscene,, and I mean obscene. 2100, for a reco gearbox... fitted. Got it back and in park it would idle along. then stall. wouldnt do it in gear ??? So I thought. she is tired. Bugger it Ive been wanting to convert it to Au power anyway. without counting I reckon over 2K again. I put a brand New dizzy and coil (Bosch) starter alternator, steer pump, sump cut. Bla Bla Bla. Worse... now it does it in gear. It would do it before. it fellt like it was holding onto the gear too long before letting go. Now It just dies as u idle to a stop or pull up. You can now actually here it click when it does it in park more so when cold. itl just idle smooth purposeful. Click. dead. ANY IDEAS would be greatly appreciated
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