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ECU error code 634 - EF Auto 


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 Post subject: ECU error code 634 - EF Auto
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:24 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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G'day all,

Recently on cold mornings when starting my car (95 EF futura) it has started at around 1500rpm and stayed there for a couple of seconds. Now that aint good for a cold engine!
Anyway, I got the error codes from it and it shows codes 214 (cam angle sensor) and 634. Now the 634 is something to do with the auto transmission. My question is can someone out there be a bit more specific as to what this code (634) actually means?


Last edited by EFfutura on Sat May 21, 2005 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:26 pm 
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634 - The signal from the Gear Selector switch is too high, too low, or at a value between any 2 normal modes

Sounds like the inhibitor switch to me...



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Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 3:32 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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Thanks 4.9 EF Futura

I have cleared the codes and hope that they don't appear again. If 634 does, do you suggest checking the inhibitor switch on the side of the tranny and what should I be looking for?

Thanks again
Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 11:03 pm 
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The inhibitor switch also incorporates the reverse lamp switch and selector range switch (potentiometer) so that's three functions contained within :)

Don't know what color wires are associated with which function but i would guess that the eec diagnostics would fault the potentiometer if there were problems. I would guess that the resistance would change as the gear selector is moved within its range but have no idea of what the resistance values would be from a given selector position.

If the problem comes back, you could try and adjust the gear selector mechanism and see if that improves things. A $40 gregories manual explains how to do the adjustment.

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