A few days ago the display on the hand controller went blank, its back light works and so do the LEDs but theres no ifo being displayed.
Yesterday the car started massively leaning out and stuttering so I thought the fuel pump was about to die. Got it home after a few hundered kays of freeway driving ( we are on hols 1500ks from home! ). Today it wont start at all so I put in a new standard pump and fuel filter and still no starting. Its got spark and I checked dizzy ( all elecs are about 4 weeks old ) so all seems fine there. Fuel rail has plenty of fuel. I just tested one of the injector plugs and its getting 12v at the red wire ( standard ford injector wiring loom ) but when its being cranked over there is 0.34 volts at the red wire. Is this normal or shoul there be 12v pulsing on and off as the motor cranks. I feel my only option is to get some standard injectors and re-wire the standard eec so we can get back to Sydney. Any sugestions of any kind would be greatly appreciated... dont wanna have to leave the car here chris |
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justfordima |
Did you play with it at all?
I don't know much about these systems but try checking its ground. About the 12V, the injectors need ~12V applied to the solenoid before they can open and let fuel through. The red wire you speak of is the 12V supply for the injectors.. The ECU grounds that 12V to open the injector, so if the ECU isn't grounding it, or not grounding it properly, no injector opening. If you just need to get home, grab a stock EEC and try wire that up.. if you got the tools.. If not, go over the electronics for the Wolf, and just try and see thats its not something simple or external. Good luck!
_________________ ;++JustForDimSim++;
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fuzion |
It could even sound like theres a short, unbelievably or not things like this do happen to the most expensive and best quality of things too on occasion!
I would check all your connectors on the wolf3d and see how they all are, think maybe where it could be shorting out and check those spots for possibility that it might be shorting out causing the problem, alternatively has water entered the computer anywhere? j-ima is sorta on the right track with magazine electronic mechanic theories but i doubt ur losing power as you have power there, i honestly think go to basics, check every fuse, power line, relays.. as much as some relays work swap them around with another to see if thats the problem etc, do all the basics to see wat the otherwise who knows? ring wolf |
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All good now... was just the stupid ford ignition module
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Waggin |
Ahhh! Always nice to hear a happy ending.
So it was the TFI Module?
_________________ WAG363: AUII LTD Supercharged 363 Dart Stroker [{DESCRIPTION}] |
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hehe, not too happy as it cost me over 700 as a result and the cars still in Qld and Im back in Syd....
Its the module on the dizzy |
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Waggin |
{USERNAME} wrote: hehe, not too happy as it cost me over 700 as a result and the cars still in Qld and Im back in Syd....
Its the module on the dizzy Bugger! Yep, thats the TFI.
_________________ WAG363: AUII LTD Supercharged 363 Dart Stroker [{DESCRIPTION}] |
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