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Doing a head on a Suzuki Sierra 1.3 


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 Post subject: Doing a head on a Suzuki Sierra 1.3
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:09 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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Hey guys,

I wasn't sure where to post this probably doesn't belong anywhere but I'm doing a head on a Suzuki 1.3L G13A motor and was hoping that someone has had experience with them I've hit a roadblock and may have done damage!
It's seized up twice after putting the timing belt back on, screwing the tappets back down. Once those were on I turn the motor 720 degrees no worries, come back to do it after a few minutes for another test and the crank is frozen shut, I think both accounts was an open valve hitting a piston :shock:. I've got it unstuck both times (spun the cam from memory with the chain off), put the chain back on but DIDNT screw down the tappets, turn it over by hand, wait a while come back and it's still turning fine. I hear however this engine is non interference (valves are always clear of pistons)

I think it's the tappets they're adjustable not hydraulic like the ford ones. Although don't see why the clearances would need readjusting and to the point of touching a valve? (It'd be .02 of a mm at most or something) I just backed them off and returned them to their original point with no adjusting which is what's got me stumped.. but I think it's definitely the tappets causing the lock up as it isn't locking up with them backed off. Was wondering if knows what I've done or how these motors work because I clearly don't!!!!

Could I have possibly bent a valve?
And can I check for a bent valve without removing the head?
Any other possible damage?

I feel I should take off the head and check if there's damage but I don't really have the money to buy another gasket and cbf to be honest if there's no real need too. not sure where to go from here haha

Last edited by ILLaViTaR on Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Doing a head on a Suzuki Sierra 1.3
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:17 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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Had it pretty clean, freshly machined and torqued the bolts up mint which is why I'm reluctant to take it off although if I need to I don't want to be dodgy. The tappets are in the first photo (you can see them backed off and how they're a screw type/different from the ford ones).

 Post subject: Re: Doing a head on a Suzuki Sierra 1.3
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:46 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Have you got the cam timing correct ????? ... 5433_3.gif
Set your tappet clearances to 0.15mm Inlet and 0.20mm Exhaust......COLD.
Set those clearances with the cam lobe pointing down.



 Post subject: Re: Doing a head on a Suzuki Sierra 1.3
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:13 am 
Getting Side Ways

Posts: 597

Joined: 4th May 2007

Ride: 1992 EBII Fairmont

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Yep bang on the money! Cam had skipped a tooth no more lockups now :D
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