Jova |
I've known for a while now that by fitting extractors onto a BF will set your engine light off because the secondary o2 sensor is receiving incorrect readings resulting in the check engine light turning on.
I'd assume on top of this you'd be getting too much or not enough fuel etc. because of it? After speaking to a guy working at an exhaust store he said to fix this you'd have to get the sensor removed or re-calibrated? But it would cost at least over a grand. Is there any other ways I could fix this? Possibly without having to spend so much money? |
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optimusprime78 |
I had a similar issue on my previous BF XR6 last year. Got extractors, exhaust etc. And after a week or so the car was not running well. Took it to Ford and they said the issue was that the extractors were too far forward which was interrupting the 02 Sensor, Anyway they just reset the computer but after 15 months the problem came back
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Jova |
How much did it cost you? Cant you reset the computer by unplugging the battery over night?
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optimusprime78 |
No! As far as i understand it must be connected with a special device where Ford can modify and correct potential errors that the car may have. From what i know its through their there servicing area. So i am guessing you can't just buy the device on the market. I had major issues with this problem, main cause was running the Air Con, Always played havoc with the idling.
What solved the problem for was eventually replacing the o2 Sensor at Ford. Set me back a few hundred though. Having just recently purchased an FG XR6 i doubt i will go down that road again without being well informed. I am guessing you might need a trip to your Ford dealer best of luck |
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Jova |
OK thanks. Looks like before I get my extractors I look into this error a little more because I don't want to be wasting money on fixing s**t or on my extractors. Might give Ford a call and see what they have to say.
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phil545 |
Mate i done the full system on my BF and didnt have the light for 8 months but has been coming on and off latly (car performs same when light is on or off) My exhaust bloke made an adapter that was a short piece of pipe that the second sensor then plugged into, this stopped it from being plugged straight into the cat where the gases are moving its fastest. I did post up pics of it in a thread on here so you might be able to search for it.
The only way to completly get rid of it is with a custom tune and this is what you bloke was referring to about the $1000 although they are generally more than this. If you want more info just let me know, i could prolly take another pic of the adapter but you can just see it in this pic - Cheers Phil
_________________ I hate arriving at my destination as then I have to get out of my car! |
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phil545 |
Here is a close up pic of the adapter piece of pipe i am talking about. It worked for about 8 months for me but i am getting a custom tune so i will get it turned off and not have to worry about it
_________________ I hate arriving at my destination as then I have to get out of my car! |
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the falcon |
my exhaust cracked and fell off at the front of the cat. so had an exhaust place put on a generic cat and had the same engine light come on and stay on. only solution any one could come up with was to put in a flash tune. or buy a genuine ford cat $$$$! so the bloke at the exhaust shop saved me a 2nd hand one from a full exhaust job and welded that back in and the light went straight out and has never come back. all because it flows better or worse the stupid computer decides something is rooted.
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phil545 |
its all to do with the emissions, they are just outside what is acceptable so the engine light comes on. Tune is a win win anyways - no light plus more power
_________________ I hate arriving at my destination as then I have to get out of my car! |
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phatba |
i put a full zorst on the fg and had the light come on. bpt motorsport in perth can flash a program into your car to make it think the rear o2 doesnt exist. costs a couple of hundred i think. i went a generic tune though, cost me a little more but i got the flash box, and i can reflash the program in if anything happens. if you go the cheaper option, and anyone flashes your car for whatever reason, then the program will be over written and your back to square one. ive found the light will come on if i give it continual major herbs on the throttle, but it will then settle down after an hour or driving the next day normally. i found when the light came on i was using more juice than normal too.
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