G'day mate, I know you have to completely disassemble the alternator to get to the brushes inside but I can't remember exactly how to remove the brushes once inside ( I think they come out by a combination of phillips screws and desoldering ).I DO know that it was difficult to get the thing back together, I had to drill a very small hole at the rear of the casing to hold the brushes down whilst slipping the rotor assembly back in with a small diameter stiff piece of wire. An alternative ( ha, ha ) is the Bosch alternator ( ampere rating stamped onto casing body ) which is made in Australia, comes on EA's ( not sure which ones but I got a 85 amp one off of a EA S pack 4 speed auto ) and has a removable regulator body which comes out without having to break down the whole alternator.
EBII GLi sedan 4.0 MPEFI, high series head unit, C**k green, ABS, EB sedan 4.0 MPEFI, red, stock