micky4433 |
hi all, have something wrong with my XF ute. washed the engine saturday arvo. took ages to start, eventually got it going. sunday it seemed fine then after 70ks of driving she played up again. wouldnt idol, seemed to miss when driving & would stall. i figure i had got water somewhere i shouldnt have. i sprayed the plug that connects to the dizzy with WD40, that seemed to fix it. not long she was playing up again as previously described. changed the leads & dizzy cap, and she was good as gold again. the missus did a 160k trip, all was good. drove to work this morning, approx 3ks, all good. driving home, approx 3ks, the ute played up yet again.
what the hell could it be?? could it be plugs, fuel pump?? surely all the water from the saturday arvo wash has gone? its a 250 crossflow cheers mick. |
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lee lee le bonk |
Probably water in the dizzy itself. Did you blow it out?
_________________ Fords Rule. OK. |
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micky4433 |
yes i gave the dizzy a blow out with compressed air, still no change
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MadMatt |
Could be the coil.
_________________ Member Number 8804 |
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micky4433 |
the ute seems to have sorted itself out. used to run it on normal unleaded. put in a tank of premium, then unleaded and then filled it up tonight with premium. hasnt played up since.
what causes an engine to play up when changing back to unleaded from premium? |
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