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EL Falcon Heater Core 


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 Post subject: EL Falcon Heater Core
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:06 pm 
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Howdy, Folks,

I will need to pull my dash and replace the heater core for a 1997 6-cylinder EL Falcon with Aircon...
I was wondering if it's necessary to bleed the aircon before removal, or if there is a way around this?

If I do have to bleed the aircon gas, how would I go about separating it from the heater safely (aircon tubes/etc.)?

-Another thing is, Ford put a plastic joint on one of the two heater-hoses that run from the core (runs from the firewall into the engine-bay)-(some sort of bizarre plug-thing), and I was also wondering how that comes off so I can replace it with the new hose/plastic joint?

I'm not looking forward to pulling the dash, but I got two quotes for $1000-$1400 just for labour, so you can see why I'm going to do it myself.

-Yours Sincerely, Falcoid...
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:37 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Take it to a AirCon joint and they'll bleed the gas out for you (At a cost of course)

Not sure what this plug thing you're talking about is.
Got a pic?

Make sure you put new heater hoses on too



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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:40 pm 
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The quotes are over priced.

i got both heater core and evaparator replaced for 850 all up.
get a quote somewhere else.

as for your questions.

yes you have to degass the aircon. i think you have to take it some where to do it too carnt just let the gas out.

from what i saw with my heater core there was no plastic bit. whole unit was copper i think and its 2 pipes extend out past the fire wall



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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:42 pm 
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just remembered that palstic thing. clips onto the metal hose that goes the the pump??? dunno why the hose does not go straight onto the metal pipe. a new one came with my heater hose.



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Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:14 am 
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i got charged $500 to replace heater core, the box that lets fresh air from the outside in and also regas the aircon... anything over $500 is a rip off. if u gonna do it your self. the whole dash come off as one unit.. dont do what i done and take the whole thing apart.



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Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:37 pm 
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Thanks for the advice,guys,
-will get the aircon degassed (the plastic clip-thing is the one that comes with the heater-hose, thanks Deano). I've got new hoses, will order a heater-core when I'm ready for the fun to begin...
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:50 pm 
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if u need a hand at all name a saturday and ill come give u a hand... im a ford mechanic altho ive never had an e series dash out.. i'll bring my tools too, also if u want ill see what price i can get a heater core thru work for ya...
Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:42 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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the plastic thing he's talking about is what clips on the heater pipes, the metal ones from water pump an hermostat housing, to form a lip where the rubber hose can be slipped on and clamped.

i think you have push the innner whitish bit into the lip and it releases it???????some one please confirm as i did this 2 odd years ago.

kinda like the preasure petrol line clips on top the petrol pump.



why do u write in here.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:12 pm 
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Alternitavely you could just let it go yourself, but that's bad!! :)



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Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:23 pm 
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Thanks for the offer xpression, it will be a few weeks before I get 'round to replacing the core (at the moment the heater-hoses are clamped off with metal plugs to prevent leaks) so If I get in dire straits I'll drop you a line.

Thanks also Msman concerning the plastic clip (why in $&%#@ did Ford put that thing on in the first place?!?)
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