timmay_73 |
Yesterday in the 37 degree heat, started the car, just pulling out of a paralell carpark, steering on full lock, and I hear 3 beeps from I assume the dash/cluster? Temp gauge was higher than usual, being halfway through normal, so pulled over and let it cool down, and has been completely fine since.
So what does this warning beep mean? The only things I could think of are: - the temperature, although it wasn't dangerously hot. - holding the steering on full lock (Apparently not good for power steering, so maybe theres a warning beep??) - Low voltage, (a/c, tunes etc - though didn't notice battery light.) It's a 94 EF Fairmont, anyone any ideas? |
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TerroristGHIA |
3 beeps from the cluster is usually low oil pressure.
Check sender Brett
_________________ The Terrorist ED Retired due to RUST. |
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