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Timing chain rubbing on the rocker cover 


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 Post subject: Timing chain rubbing on the rocker cover
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 11:39 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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My timing chain is rubbing on the underside of the rocker cover in my BA Turbo. I heard a rattle so I took of the rocker cover and noticed gouging marks at the front from the chain. It's a brand new build with Atomic chain, crank sprocket and chain guides, tensioner. I checked for broken / damaged guides etc but all good, the chain is not loose so the tensioner is ok but I did also check it for tension. Just been turned a week ago but now this problem has occurred. The engine is a 2010 FG with the BA sump and dipstick mod, I do have the BA rocker cover on it though and I was thinking maybe the FG cover sits a bit higher underneath to clear the chain. Dose anyone have any ideas.
 Post subject: Re: Timing chain rubbing on the rocker cover
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:56 am 
Getting Side Ways
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Sounds like they may have made a mistake during assembling the engine and timing chain,have you talked to Atomic about this?



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: Timing chain rubbing on the rocker cover
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:31 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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I will be talking to Brad at Atomic Monday. I did a measure on a ba and fg rocker cover and found the fg is deeper at the front by 3mm, maybe I'm using the wrong cover then. I have a fg motor with ba sump and ba rocker cover so maybe ba covers don't fit fg engines for this reason.
 Post subject: Re: Timing chain rubbing on the rocker cover
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:55 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
I will be talking to Brad at Atomic Monday. I did a measure on a ba and fg rocker cover and found the fg is deeper at the front by 3mm, maybe I'm using the wrong cover then. I have a fg motor with ba sump and ba rocker cover so maybe ba covers don't fit fg engines for this reason.

I know for a fact that there is a difference between BA & BF sumps-FG obviously very different but I thought the rocker covers would have been the same as the dimensions of the head,cams etc.....are basically identical,hopefully you can just switch rocker cover?



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: Timing chain rubbing on the rocker cover
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:43 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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Yes hoping switching the covers will fix it. I have no problems with Atomic, there work and products are second to none. Just getting the fg cover powder coat this week and I fit it with my fingers crossed
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