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Ba stereo upgrade 


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 Post subject: Ba stereo upgrade
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:20 pm 
Parts Gopher

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Hey guys, I have been upgrading my stereo. Ba xr8.

I have added a High to low convertor, actually tried two different brands but I'm still getting noise through the stereo. Any ideas where from or how to fix it?
I have a kenwood 4ch amp under my seat and have upgraded all speakers, sounds good but I can't work out why I have such noise :(

Any ideas??? :?:



MIX68U Now living in the ACT!

 Post subject: Re: Ba stereo upgrade
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:01 pm 
Stock as a Rock

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what sort of noise is it? is it like a constant whistling noise and varies in pitch depending on the revs of the car, or like an interference that makes no difference in pitch with the revs of the car, if u can try and describe in detail the noise that it is making i can probably help you out a bit better...
 Post subject: Re: Ba stereo upgrade
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:18 pm 
Parts Gopher

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I'd say it's more of a alternator noise. Like relates to revs.
I think I need a filter but unsure where to put it.



MIX68U Now living in the ACT!

 Post subject: Re: Ba stereo upgrade
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:49 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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me and my friend had the same issues with our stock stereo now i did an after market headunit install in mine but my mate didnt but we both found that the 'whining' noise disapeared after doing an earth upgrade on the battery. we both now have zero gauge earthing kit coming off our batteries and would recommend trying something similar... :twisted:
 Post subject: Re: Ba stereo upgrade
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:55 pm 
Parts Gopher

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{USERNAME} wrote:
me and my friend had the same issues with our stock stereo now i did an after market headunit install in mine but my mate didnt but we both found that the 'whining' noise disapeared after doing an earth upgrade on the battery. we both now have zero gauge earthing kit coming off our batteries and would recommend trying something similar... :twisted:

Yeah I have a dual 2g earth setup, I was thinking about adding another 0 to it and seeing what happens. I have already added a dual 2g from the engine to the body and I'm running a 4 and a 2 from the battery to the fuse box. I guess I'll just add more and see what happens.




MIX68U Now living in the ACT!

 Post subject: Re: Ba stereo upgrade
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:41 pm 
Stock as a Rock

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u can get alternator whine also from the rca's being too closely run with the power cable to the amp check that aswell, i would piss off the dual 2 gauge set up and just go with a single 0 gauge thats more than enough..
 Post subject: Re: Ba stereo upgrade
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:40 am 
Fordmods Newbie
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Normally its an earth problem so have a look over them :P



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