AFAIK, the vents on the GLi are a completely different shape to the vents/cornering lamp mounting positions on the Fairmont/Fairlane front bars. When you look at the Gli front bar you'll see how the vent is kinda recessed back into the bar, whereas with fairmont/fairlane the vent/cornering lamp sits flush with the front bar
Top is EF GLi, bottom is Fairlane/Fairmont
bardifference.JPG [ 21.13 KiB | Viewed 984 times ]
To be honest i dont know if they could be fitted to a EF GLi bar, based on how the bar is moulded around the vent. By looking at it, it would be near on impossible to get the cornering lamp to sit flush with the bar seeing as the whole area around the vent is recessed into the bar if you get what i mean.. It would be best to check in person how much of a difference there is in that area and go from there
In saying that, an EL GLi bar
could possibly be modded to fit the lights as they have no vents in the corners like the EF Gli does.. But then again its not an EF, and you wouldnt want your mate to change the whole front to EL GLi spec so its irrelevant
ELGLibar.JPG [ 27.73 KiB | Viewed 167 times ]
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