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ED not ticking over in gas!! 


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 Post subject: ED not ticking over in gas!!
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:04 am 
Oompa Loompa

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hi.. i have a 1994 ed falcon futura.. my gas system is the tickford factory impco one... meant for the ebII.. i think i have 3 problems with it..

problem 1: lately its not turning over in gas..(only cold starts) after the car has heated up a bit.. it will turn over until the engine goes cold again...

problem 2: if i do turn it over on petrol (cold start) it will sit on a nice idle before running really rough (almost stalling) and accelerating sounds like the car is choking.. If i hold it down for a while eventually it will pick up revs... it gets past that point where its not rough on idle..then it is drivable on petrol.

problem 3: when the car has been driven for a while it will always turn over in petrol.. I have realized but... if i dont flick it to gas at all and just keep using petrol it will turn over(cold start) every time and there is no rough idle and it is drivable.

So what i have been doing is on cold starts i tick it over in petrol... immediately stall it up pretty high before it rough 3k rpm (which i know is not good) but i need to or else it will run rough and take ages for it get passed that point...Then after it has warmed up i flick it to gas. Help anyone???
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:33 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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anyone give me ideas???
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:43 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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I doubt it's Impco if it's a Tickford setup, most likely Poliauto or Vialle.
Have you tuned it at all? Plugs, leads, air and fuel filter?
Can you take a pic of the gas setup in the engine bay?
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:55 am 
Oompa Loompa

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thanks for the reply.. my digi cam is dead so i cant take pictures but its definitlely an impco 225 mixer with a impco model e converter.. i think theres a b2 regulator not too sure.. havnt tuned it at all.. ive done a bit of reading on the forums and my suspect is coil or oxy sensor.. but i dont understand how it could be the coil if it ticks over on petrol first time?? i think my fuel pump is gone which is giving the symptom but even then it confuses me coz if i just constantly use petrol (even starting it on it) it will work fine..

oh yeah changed sparks the other day and tested the leads... leads are fairly new so i doubt its them... just cleaned out throttle body...havnt checked fuel filter but.. is there anything to do with dizzy u think?
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:15 am 
Oompa Loompa

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If its running fine on petrol you fuel pump and filter are fine.
If the coil was dead you wouldt be able to start on petrol, if it was oxy sensor you's have probs too.

Something is wrong with the gas system.

Are the leads and plugs suitable for gas?

It could be any number of things.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:36 am 
Oompa Loompa

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they are suitable for gas... got them from repco...ngk ones that have a colder spark for the high temps that gas prod...i will try and get a pic asap...hopefully that may shed some light.. anymore ideas in the mean time??
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:24 am 
Oompa Loompa

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hard, i only sort of know whats going on with my omvl/gastec system and thats after 5years of playin around. (bit scared of rooting with gas)

Maybe try and ring some gas workshops even go in there and ask for some advice.

Does it run fine on petrol after it runs rough?

Make sure you post if you have any luck.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:14 am 
Oompa Loompa

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yeah it runs fine after that...its like a 1 off thing if u dont use it and use gas.. its really wierd never came across this problem before.. ill ring around and see what they can tell me. thanks
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:39 am 
Getting Side Ways

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I think your injectors could be blocked? Replace the oxy sensor first. Look for any vaccuum leaks. Map sensor? Mine goes nuts when it pops a hose from a backfire. I have found the petrol running gets much better after you run 2 or 3 tanks full of petrol which I did after a gas fault had me on petrol for a few weeks and it seemed to come good again. When petrol is only used for starting, the injectors get blocked at the nozzles and the vapourisation is poor.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:39 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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kool thanks.. ill try slowly replacing some parts and see where it takes me from there.. i noticed today a whistling sound coming from the engine while i was reversing out of the driveway.. but wasnt there in "drive" or "park" sounded like a vacuum leak.. didnt have time to check it out but i will when i get a chance.. thanks mate!
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