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{USERNAME} wrote: whats funny now... What's even funnier is that people always seem to blame whoever's in party for things introduced by PREVIOUS governments... ![]()
_________________ 2005 VZ Commodore SV6 with OMVL Dream XXI SVI LPG |
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79 raven |
Abbott is a right winged christian family first cult following C**k sucker. Yeah Ruddy Australia sucks but s**t would be f**k loads worse with Abbotts C**k posse. Until we reolize that the rest of the world is raping us it wont matter who gets in, only thing that would happen with the lib's is we would be even more a** f**k. Who was Howards big daddy? The septic tanks can lick my a** hair after a tandoori poo. We have the know how and resources to be a stand alone country, so why not start taking care of ourselfs and f**k the world, there pointless wars, there corruption, there $8 made rice cooking cars and buy Falcons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dr Jekkyl |
{USERNAME} wrote: f**k Kevin Rudd and all his taxes petrol hasnt even gone up since he came in. Things were never this bad under howard. Ok, now I am confused. Must be the reds under my bed fuggin' with my head!!!! |
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{USERNAME} wrote: (1) Abbott is a right winged christian family first cult following C**k sucker. Yeah Ruddy Australia sucks but s**t would be f**k loads worse with Abbotts C**k posse. Until we reolize that the rest of the world is raping us it wont matter who gets in, (2) We have the know how and resources to be a stand alone country, so why not start taking care of ourselfs and f**k the world, there pointless wars, there corruption, there $8 made rice cooking cars and buy Falcons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1) I thought the above was just an on going standing joke in Canberra, Guess the word is out ![]() ![]() (2) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Last edited by GUNNING on Sun May 16, 2010 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. |
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Grimketel |
Scumbag pollies on both sides are just puppets to the banking elite. Initiated by previous liberal gov, but followed through with by todays labour gov. If they were the peoples champs like they claim, they would stop it, but its all a game, they are all on the same team. He said she said. Divide and conqueor. While the people are busy fighting about lab/lib, and whose right/wrong, they run around pillaging the pockets. Why do you think theres only 2 major parties? 1) easier to dominate, control and co-ordinate by the money powers. 2) Gives limited choice to the people, erases competition, to ensure the money power agenda is met (duopoly). As we all know its illegal to not vote... so you "have" to vote, but you are basicaly choosing between one of two parties thanks to prefferences. I dont consider that freedom at all, just a flimsy sham.The real enemy is money, at the very least money produced by reserve/central banks. It produces debt slavery, and you cant get out of it. While we allow central banks to control the issuance of our currency, we are just playing their game. And loosing quite badly.
_________________ enough isn't enough |
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79 raven |
There is no newsletter guys........ look at what happened with industrial reforms? that was not a huge number but they still made waves. This is OUR country, we run it not anyone else and they think they can pull the wool over our eyes and dictate to us whats what then maybe its time for a revolution in Oz......... Please everyone dont forget that you have a right and its ok to question the motives around you and if your not happy dont just say "what is it that i can do". Remember the Eureka flag? united we stand, divided we fall. Brother in arms. WE run this country, we shed the sweat, blood and tears for some fat f**k company to sit and gloat about massive profits while we fight just to survive. Even the Australian banks are at the mercy of overseas lending, its a cycle of paper trails that can never reach the end because then we might be able to point the finger with alot of the worlds problems. No more "she'll be right" we deserve better, my kids deserve better. Lets hit the trenches and say whats on our mind! Stand up for yourselfs guys, f**k political correctness and all those other tabu things that have been used to shut us up. I aint a Mushroom. I have a brain, a mouth and two big f**k fists, and Im just about ready to use them at the pricks that think im right were they want me.
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this is some funny s**t - No matter how how logical the assertions that you make are - you will always come off sounding like complete loony - the GFC whether it was a creation of the ruling elite or not served to do one thing, put the masses further in debt, 9/11 and the wars that ensued, whether it was perpetrated by osama or by the CIA, served to reduce the freedom and liberty available to the sheeples under the banner of protection and security, closer to home port arthur served to remove the guns of many legitamtely licensed gun owners, knife violence and the drug problem gave reason to give the police more powers to search people for no reason, the hoon menace has given the police even more power to remove your possessions from you. all of us pay a lot of tax yet seem to get very little representation for it, while companies dig up our country, take our rescources and sell them overseas or even back to us at a great profit! what ever happened to government owned companies? telecom the sec etc etc etc, should all be run by the government with the profit being used to pay for our hospitals, schools roads police and defence instead of this s**t we have now. Land is also another HUGE scam, we are not born free in this country - you are born owning nothing(even though its your country), a developer buys land for a pittance, sits on it for a decade or two, divides it up and sells it for a fortune so much in fact that you cant afford it out of savings, not in a million rears - a house for that land is even more expensive (yet the quality these days is s**t house), you cant even BUILD your own shelter in this country, it has to adhere to a billion codes and rules that no normal person understands and adds a fortune to get the approval so you have to get a loan, one with a contract no regular person understands that ties you to them unless you shell out even more money. over the life of that loan youll pay back double the money or so, then you still have to pay your council fees which for what they do is useless (in geelong its just to go to Denmark then plaigerise someone elses climate change report a month later) and if you dont pay you go back into debt again! - the society we live in is designed so you have no choice but to indebt yourself to the rich so they can suck out your strength and hard work through your pocket - at the end of the day we all live in slavery its just so cunningly crafted that people dont notice and dont care.
look back at centuries passed - you were born with nothing, the noblemen owned it all, you worked hard and died for them all while they charged taxes on anything and everthing if you ddint pay you got thrown in jail or theyd just burn your damned village down if you were lucky youd get enough money together and buy a bit of land and build a house (not even allowed to do that yourself now) but you still had to pay taxes, for what? so the nobles could build nice big castles for themselves - i could go on and on and on but i suspet those that wil listen already know all of this and those that will dismiss it are too drunk on their percieved freedom to ever open their eyes and notice.
_________________ Because i can. |
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MMMMM ,,,,well,,,,, but vaugely referenced,,, However I can only but concur with your research!
This reminds me that I should start referencing some French dude sometime after the French revolution,,,, he says the same thing really,,,, If I find it I'll email it to you....... Oh to maintain relevance F*&^ the socalist facist pricks in canberra!!!! Viva Australi! Edit: and their taxes! whew! |
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79 raven |
Thankyou Jose, for someone who is only 24 your already a bitter bloke..... good to see. Thats the s**t Im talking about, speaking your mind instead of just thinking it. So what the f**k we doing about it? Are we such a lost cause or is it too hard? Last time i checked my balls are still attached, and I own them ( or my missus does) so were do we go from here? How is it that we get the ball of change happening? French revolution style would be nice, but really just to get us actually speaking aloud, right or wrong about what we feel about this f**k up world we live in might inspire something to happen and maybe some change. Good on you man, anyone else wanna throw some s**t out f**k go for it.
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unfortunately a revoloution would be "terrorism" in todays political climate and we all know what happens to terrorists. i simply just try to limit my own contribution to the problem as much as i can, the only loans i have are my house and my HECS debt (both i see as evils i cant avoid) i try to consume as little as possible and try not to waste as both just add to the pockets of the already rich. i dont have and never will have any credit cards or a car loan if i can afford it, i dont buy it. the best thing i can do to change others is to explain how it is to them and hope they change their own minds.
_________________ Because i can. |
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Slick |
FFS why didn't anyone PM me about this thread
![]() ![]() Time to gather up as many people as you can & march towards your state gov, don't forget to arm yourselves with pitchfork and rocks. Wouldn't it be nice if we had the strong will of the people of Europe, when they smell scam & get sick of government mind f**k games they really go on a protest.
_________________ Mind f**k!!! it works on feeble minded ignorant sheeples... there's plenty of em on this site... some are very intelligent but by god they are so thick!!! {USERNAME} wrote: You can buy them seppertly
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{USERNAME} wrote: the society we live in is designed so you have no choice but to indebt yourself to the rich so they can suck out your strength and hard work through your pocket - at the end of the day we all live in slavery its just so cunningly crafted that people dont notice and dont care. i could go on and on and on but i suspet those that wil listen already know all of this and those that will dismiss it are too drunk on their percieved freedom to ever open their eyes and notice. AHHHHH yes, this reminds me of a little ditty..."Life is like a s**t sandwich, the more bread you have, the less s**t you gotta eat" Damn who's got my bread!!! and someone pass me the sugar...Oh yeah that's right we paid out our Basic food bill; in taxes,,dont have ethier..... ![]() Jose: the "T" word.......guess we are all a popular thread in the @#$%watch%&89^& house^89uio now, tread carefully in the enchanted forrests, luke skywalker....I see the govt is pushing its green car policy at the bottom of our screens, on here, before I posted this... now there's one for the conspiricy theorists ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Slick |
^ Mate, you're sounding like a fruit cake.
![]() {USERNAME} wrote: {USERNAME} wrote: Check out the taxes and standard of living and health in Canada. Got to agree there. From what I've seen they basically pay you to live there. Unmatched anywhere in the world apart from Cuba. BTW, I'm been eye balling Vancouver for a while now and it could be a possibility. ![]()
_________________ Mind f**k!!! it works on feeble minded ignorant sheeples... there's plenty of em on this site... some are very intelligent but by god they are so thick!!! {USERNAME} wrote: You can buy them seppertly
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{USERNAME} wrote: ^ Mate, you're sounding like a fruit cake. ![]() Unmatched anywhere in the world apart from Cuba. BTW, I'm been eye balling Vancouver for a while now and it could be a possibility. ![]() Yeah, abit on re-reading,,,,,,,must have been the decade + working at a University,,,,had a strange effect, I must admit,,,,, ![]() The mind can go to strange places.......I promise I wont start quoting Quantum physics and string theory...... ![]() Worked with a few Canadian scientists & visitors, great people the Canadians, they too seemed to think Aust is a great place to live, but qualified that statement by saying "if we dont keep stuffing it up"........ Canada sounds great, from what I 've heard, bit too bloody cold for me though!!! So I guess our Govt would sell them LPG for 0.025 CPL!!! (tax free) ![]() Good luck, with Vancouver, How much to freight the Ford? You cant possibly leave Gold behind??? ![]() |
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79 raven |
{USERNAME} wrote: FFS why didn't anyone PM me about this thread ![]() ![]() Time to gather up as many people as you can & march towards your state gov, don't forget to arm yourselves with pitchfork and rocks. Wouldn't it be nice if we had the strong will of the people of Europe, when they smell scam & get sick of government mind f**k games they really go on a protest. I cant afford pitchforks and rocks are owned by the miners, so how about we throw our own s**t? And yeah we should stand up and speak our mind but too many people in Oz just say its never going to change and thats why it dont. we own this country and the pollies will do anything to be re-elected so if a big enough wave was created things can change, even small amounts would make a difference and gunning Ive tried that but the banks wont take tiptop ![]() |
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