cardy |
just got my ute put on injected gas an noticed the o2 sensors are not connected to the gas computer which is obd2. so far only getting max 300km from 60lt which seems high was gettin around 14lt/100km on petrol around town. just wondering if there's any reason o2 not connected
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tickford_6 |
Posts: 6449 Joined: 11th Nov 2004 |
ask the installer
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cardy |
i plan to just want a second opinion first so he doesn't just tell me what he thinks i need to hear, just wondering if theres any reason behind it that you would leave them off as i assume they would be required.
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Nigel |
O2 sensors arent connected because thats not how injected LPG Works.
Injected LPG directly translates RPM/MAP/Injector Pulsewidth from Petrol to an LPG Injector Pulse width. O2 doesnt come into that calculation - as the EEC is already doing correction for O2. The LPG Computer is simply taking the conditions around the engine, and turning petrol "pulse width" into LPG "pulse width" You even have a full table to edit to get the fuelling right Some LPG Computers do have connections for the o2 sensors - but thats a purely monitoring connection so that you can see how the o2's are looking while you tune them Nigel |
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cardy |
thanks for the info
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