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 Post subject: SFI Approval
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:24 am 
Tyre Shredder
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hello ppl, before u think wrong room, the question is at the end.

a bit of history, long story short: i need a neutrally(internally) balanced flexplate so i can bolt a c4 to the back of my 4.0L. these are fairly light on the ground so the common practice is to use a externally balanced windsor plate, remove the 50oz weight and then have balanced, which i did. due to the scarcity of these flex plates in australia, i ordered one from the united states which inflates the cost 200%, adds time and hassle to the outcome.

now the company i chose in perth(due to thier outstanding reputation, military contracts etc) without a reason why, REMOVED THE SFI CERTIFICATION DECAL. with that i cannot longer prove that the flexplate is sfi certified, so effectively rendering it worthless. when i discovered and told them this i was informed that:
1) my flexplate was sandblasted prior to balancing to "remove any s**t". yep, fair enough i can go with that except that my flexplate was brand spankin new(with no s**t) they opened the box it came in, and zinc anodised which is still there indicating it wasnt ever sandblasted. however they didnt remove the b&m sticker and paint the rest of the flexplate flat black.
2) it's my fault for having it certified BEFORE i had it balanced and when i provide them with a replacement they'll apply the decal after they've balanced it - the decal is applied at time of manufacture and was not an obstruction to the balance procedure.
3) "wtf is SFI anyway?" this in itself should've raised alarm bells but it didnt click until after i got off the phone. i told him what sfi meant and that without it, the flexplate was effectively useless to me cos i couldnt prove sfi.

thier solution: i supply them with a new flexplate without the certification decal, they'll balance it free-of-charge and then i can send it back to the states to have it re-certified. i mentioned the cost of the flexplate i already own which is now effectively useless and they said they cant authorise the replacement cost - nor can they reimburse me for the newplate.

now to my question: can someone with a ANDRA rulebook tell me how important is the SFI certification is on a flexplate? when(class, hp etc) does it apply? am i over-reacting?

there are heaps more contributing factors associated with this to sway my opinion which i havent mentioned , such as a recorded phonecall to the rep and his response, an alternative method plus an alternative solution, but mainly i just wanted to make sure that i'm not jumping to conclusions and am not being irrational with my opinion.

if only they left the decal on and cut all the s**t



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Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:00 am 
Getting Side Ways
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Why not just get yours recertified in the staes?
Get small claims involved to recoupe some of the cost to recertify it.
Gawd even get a sticker made up the same as the one what is meant to be on it.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:05 am 
Smokin em up

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sfi was made useless as soon as it was modfied, just like a warranty, Andra wont care if it was made of plastic the rules state you need a scatter shield around the plate and t/convertor and depending on class a scatter blanket around the trans



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Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:09 am 
Smokin em up

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oh yeah and you should want one as well after having a t/c explode and come through the floor just about taking my left foot off , i wont drive big hp without one



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Long and Very Nice

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