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EF 1994 Code 691 Solenoid 1, not solenoid problem 


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 Post subject: EF 1994 Code 691 Solenoid 1, not solenoid problem
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:53 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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Ride: EF Falcon GLi

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Just having a few issues with my 1994 EF Falcon GLi auto. It drives fine for a while and then after 5 - 10 mins (sometimes earlier, sometimes straight away) it goes into limp mode.

Error code 691 comes up.

Solenoid 1 has been replaced, computer has been swapped over to a known working one, and problem wasn't fixed.

Anyone have any ideas? Are there any problem wires or connectors? If so, where are these located? I'm going back in to make sure that the new solenoid is ok, and after that it looks like a long search for faulty wiring. Just wondering if there are any best places to look.

I am fairly handy with wiring, and I have a multimeter if it helps with problem finding. I can also try to get any other tools if they'll help.

Thanks for your help.
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:18 am 
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I had the same soleniod go in mine a couple of years back S1 (shift soleniod) Did you delete the fault codes after replacing it to make sure you arent reading the old fault code? also was the soleniod new? My old one tested over 12volts barely made a clicking sound where as the new one did and sounded alot healthier.
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:47 am 
Fordmods Newbie

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Ride: EF Falcon GLi

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Thanks for the reply.

Yes, the solenoid is new. Fault codes were erased and the car still goes in to limp mode.

I have no idea what it could be. Driving to and from work it goes in to limp mode at almost the same place each time, about 10 -15 mins of driving.

When the trans place changed the solenoid and cleared the codes, it was in limp mode as soon as I drove.
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