Hi all, I have a question about the elec solinoid for the wastegate actuator, i heard that this can get a bit sticky and jammed up over time and have an effect on the performance of the turbo, the solution is to take off the vaccum line and spray wd40 down the into the solinoid and line itself, to help free up the solinoid and acuator? ive had a look but the only line i see coming from what appears to be the soinoid has a crimp clamp on it, i got told to use long nose pliers to remove the line but i dont think it will budge? and i dont want to break anything. Has anyone done this before and was it worth it? oh, and also is it true that u can reset your ecu to learn your driving style by taking the neg terminal off battery and draining the power from capacitors and then after bout 30 mins re-connect and take it for a hard drive ?? thanks for any help