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EF manual cranks but will not start 


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 Post subject: EF manual cranks but will not start
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:26 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 32

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QLD, Australia

Hi Ive hours searching for a solution for this. I found topics close but just not what I need.

I have recently converted my EF to manual I have the manual ecu but i don't have a manual loom still have the auto loom. I read that if you have the manual ecu you don't have to do the resistor trick.

I have the neutral wires bridged and the others which are the reverse lights right? connected to the solenoid is this correct or am I not even close?? :?

I'm not an expert at this so could you explain just a little extra.
Thanks in advance any help is greatly appreciated.
 Post subject: Re: EF manual cranks but will not start
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:09 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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You'll save yourself a lot of trouble by just getting the loom for the manual box from a wrecker. This is simply the little loom that goes on the box itself and hooks up to neutral switch and reverse switch etc. (I guess VSS as well? ) and has a rectangular connector that reaches up near the bellhousing join.

On an auto car there will be THE SAME rectangular plug loom that carries those same functions - as well as the large round one for all the other auto trans functions. So if for example yo are fitting a manual trans WITH it's loom all still attached then you'd find the connector on the manual box would fit the rectangular plug already in your car that hooked up to an identical connector on the auto box - and then you just leave the other big round Auto trans connector hanging. With manual ecu you just leave it like that and with auto ecu you have to do the resistor trick to get idle to work right.

I understand the desire to get it working by taking short cuts but for safety you really should try to make it all go together as close to factory as possible - ie. use a proper manual box loom.



Sold the Greenmachine - now driving 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk.

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