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Steering Shudder 


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 Post subject: Steering Shudder
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:54 pm 
Oompa Loompa

Age: 37

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VIC, Australia

When I turn left under brakes (pulling into car park, give way sign etc) I get a vibration through the brake pedal. Anyone know wat the go there is???
 Post subject: Re: Steering Shudder
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:16 pm 
Parts Gopher

Age: 51

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There's more than a few things you need to check in order to acurately diagnose the problem.

May i suggest the following:

1. Jack up the front end and for safety sake, please place support stands under the body. Now grab hold of the front wheels and try moving them up and down, left and right. Have you got any free play there that you can feel?

2. Get somene to put their foot on the brake and crack the wheel nuts so you can remove the front wheels. With the wheels removed, see if you can identify any damage/excessive wear to any rubber mounts. Be sure to check throughly. Top control arm bushes right through to sway bar bushes underneath. Spot anything?

3. By chance - do you have any wheel spacers installed on your hubs to pack out you mag wheels? If so, can you be absolutely certain they are flat and exactly the same thickness throughout? Also check that they aren't cracked in any way?

Hopefully that's enough for you to identify the problem, else we have to start looking at dismantling brake caliers to check guides, etcetera; but legally you should be a qualified mechanic to do this.
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