The used steering box and brake booster i would recommend for reconditioning. Rest of the parts are brand new!
Also selling Rear Swaybar Brand NEW for EL 24mm BFR61 - $140 ono
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File comment: XD brake booster. Also came of xb coupe, there is a crack and would need reconditioning... unsafe for current use. Any offers...
IMG_7332.JPG [ 77.11 KiB | Viewed 182 times ]
File comment: XB Manual Steering Box used... Any offers, Could do with recondition, came off xb coupe
IMG_7330.JPG [ 70.36 KiB | Viewed 175 times ]
File comment: Brand NEW Blank Keys XA-XF $5 each
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File comment: Brand NEW Front XD Clear Indicators with globes $40
IMG_7327.JPG [ 120.09 KiB | Viewed 189 times ]
File comment: Brand NEW Rear EL Bendix Pads $50
IMG_7326.JPG [ 111.64 KiB | Viewed 177 times ]