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Climate Control EA 


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 Post subject: Climate Control EA
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:04 pm 
Parts Gopher
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Age: 35

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Ride: 1995 Ford XG Ute

Location: melbourne
VIC, Australia

hi guys having issues with my climate control getting E3 errors which on here points to cabin sensor and a number of comments to "check cabin sensor" changing it out with 6 other ones and getting no results,
can you buy these new from somewhere?
heater also dosent get warm/hot which points to blend door failure searched for the climate control tech doc for half an hour has it been removed? as im thinking of just putting a two position motor on it

Also get a E5 error every now and then pointing to the ambient sensor iv unplugged this sensor and ran the test and get no E5 code and put it back in and get no codes but then run the test again a week later and the E5 is back

iv currently got the TX wire unplugged as the air conditioner runs when ever the unit is turned on and as theres no gas in the system i dont want the compressor running all the time

i have also tried 3 different cc control units to see if it is the unit itself that is faulty but makes no difference
when performing the tests i can hear the blend door moving
normal engine temp is 95 to 100 degrees

iv been quoted $1500 to replace:
the compressor
the blend door motor
the cabin sensor
test and regas of the system
the heater and ac cores
all system hoses
12 month warranty

should i just fork out the cash and let someone else deal with it? but i am open to ideas/recommendations to try myself



95' XG
93' EB
custom buggy with 900cc yamaha engine

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