Reverseworm |
So after mucking around for ages I finally called the auto elec. Took us a few hours to find it, but it was a pinched active wire caught under one of the the fuse blocks in the engine bay. Someone had taken the fuse block off previously and when they put it back, the active wire was caught underneath and over time, the wire wore through and shorted against the body. This also caused another wire at the back of the body control module to melt, so that had to be replaced as well.
Anyway, sorted now. Thanks for your help guys. Andrew Hi everyone, I am new to the forum but have read hundreds of posts over the last year as I made improvements to my old XH ute. About a week ago I ran into a problem that frankly, has me stumped. The car has been running fine (I should mention it is on dual fuel) up until last week when I went to go for a drive. I turned the key and it turned over for a while which is not unusual starting on gas and then nothing. No electrics at all - completely dead. After looking around I found a blown ignition fuse under the bonnet. So I went and bought a few more knowing it might take a while to work out the source of the surge. I must have gone through 10 fuses already trying to work this out. I have searched for loose or stray wires or any other obvious signs of shorts but have found nothing. The fuse does not blow on ACC, but only after turning the car over for a while (I don't think it blows on release of the key from ON to ACC). I read somewhere that it might be the coil so I have a new one of them ready to go, but before I cut my hands up, I wanted to check with you guys first. Battery is fine. Leads and plugs changed only about 3 months ago. I have aftermarket stereo, CB radio and a couple extra interior lights. Any suggestions? Last edited by Reverseworm on Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total. |
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Reverseworm |
and it just got weirder - tried a few more fuses to see if I could shed any light on the problem. The fuses are now blowing at ACC. I didn't even get the car to turn over.
it's got me...... |
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96ELGli |
Always start looking at the non original wiring and extras. Which fuse is blowing and what value ? My manual has an XH supplement but shows 2 fuse-able links rather than a fuse.
_________________ Regards 96ELGli |
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Reverseworm |
its the 60 amp ignition fuse under the bonnet.
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93EB |
Age: 47 Posts: 2486 Joined: 6th Oct 2005 Ride: 93EB Fairmont / BA Falcon XR6T Location: Western Sydney |
If its the one im thinking there is a couple of high current fusible links under the bonnet near the battery area. On my EB i think its pink in colour.
_________________ 93 EB II Fairmon8 with 17' EL GT's / Clear indicators / H.I.Ds / Sports exhaust / Lowered 2' / K&N / XR6 ECU. |
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Reverseworm |
I think we are talking about the same thing, except the ignition and fan fuse or fusible link are beige indicating 60 amp.
I reckon I am at the stage I need to call an auto elec. |
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96ELGli |
Series 1 or 2 ? There is a different circuit. Anyway, it looks like the power goes from the " fuse " to the ignition first. You may be able to get a circuit breaker, but for testing only. Look at the cable from the switch back, and if it looks good, unplug the switch. Get a multi-meter and see if any connections go to ground. There could be a broken metal part in it that is taking out the fuse. If all that checks out, you will have to unplug everything on the circuit, then plug in one at a time until the breaker trips. That is how I would start fault-finding it.
_________________ Regards 96ELGli |
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