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BA Fairmont - FG front bumper & headlight conversion 


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 Post subject: BA Fairmont - FG front bumper & headlight conversion
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:39 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 32

Posts: 10

Joined: 27th Feb 2015

Ride: BA Fairmont

Location: Melbourne
VIC, Australia

Hi all,

I'm at the planning stage of my first major job on my BA Fairmont. I recently saw a really good photo of a BA with an FPV body kit bumper and decided I'm wanting to head in that direction, but the only issue is I'd rather not lower the bumper and create any great chance of scraping it - I'd hate to wreck any work I've done to it!

Basically, I'm hoping to achieve this:
Note the black grille scoop

I was wondering - and have been told it's possible - but I'd like your opinions.. Is it possible/worthwhile swapping my factory bumper with a brand new FG front bumper? As seen here: ... ING_ACTIVE

Otherwise, what would you recommend? I'm willing to spend a little bit of money, on somewhat of a budget. Are there any body kits available that will give me the look I'm wanting but also not any or much lower than the current bumper?

Alternatively, I could just get this: ... ING_ACTIVE
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