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Camshaft Synchronizer 


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 Post subject: Camshaft Synchronizer
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:42 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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Hi everyone, Can someone tell me where I can buy a camshaft synchronizer for a Series 11 AUXR8.
Mine is making one hell of a noise and each time it squeals the motor dies and misses. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
 Post subject: Re: Camshaft Synchronizer
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:44 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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Rock Auto in the USA - Look for the SMP one I think from Memory. Will come with the alignment tool.

Alternatively - pull the synchroniser, and spend some time sending first some release agent, and then oil down the shaft from the top (thats right, where the sensor currently sits).

I blocked the two bolt holes, and left it sitting in oil with a semi regular spin. Ive free'd two up in the past (two months ago). One of these now sits in my daily driver, and doesnt squeal where previously it almost didnt turn.


p.s. Just looked it up : Standard Motor Products CSA7 is the right one for series II and III XR8, with a two-pin connector. I used to bring half a dozen at a time in from the US and one-sell them - even at my worst price I was half the price of ford or most other suppliers. Its a complete replacement unit with the Alignment tool
 Post subject: Re: Camshaft Synchronizer
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:07 pm 

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I myself originally went for the Standard Motor Products CSA7, but I changed after 12 months, oil was running up the shaft, the area where it went into the block was just a cast surface and the o ring wasnt a tight fit, also I kept getting cmp failure codes from the rotating pin being to far away from the sensor..
so this time I got the doorman one and comparing them side by side the doorman one seems to be of better quality, machined base surface not cast and when you rotate it you can feel the magnetic pulse when the centre passes the sensor where the csa7 I couldn't...
 Post subject: Re: Camshaft Synchronizer
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:15 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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I'd chosen amp because the dorman is very poorly rated on explorer forums. Small pin on drive, and poor bearings. But points taken

Given how easy these are to free up, and if I had time completely. Disassemble I'm tempted to stay with rebuilding the ford ones

I also get cmp errors but put that down to too low and irregular an idle on a 220

Interesting thoughts
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