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ba fairmont him module 


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 Post subject: ba fairmont him module
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:08 pm 
Oompa Loompa

Posts: 32

Joined: 25th Jun 2005

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Location: melbourne
VIC, Australia

Hi guys

I Have a 03 ba fairmont, we replaced the him module as the icc was was flashing the air recirculation light and the fan was going from slow speed to high.

It was working fine until last night. I was driving and i went to adjust the left mirror and i noticed that the mirror was going down with out stopping so i push the toggle part back up and it stopped, at the same time the fan started going low to hi and the a/c etc basically wouldnt respond. I did notice that when the mirror adjustment joystick is set to the middle where no mirror can be adjusted, if you pull the joystick back towards the rear the left mirror will go down. Now the question is could the left mirror affect the icc and the him module? The icc also doesnt display the outside temp aswell.

Cheers Steve
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