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Removing the pedal box with the dash in 


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 Post subject: Removing the pedal box with the dash in
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:03 pm 
Stock as a Rock

Posts: 165

Joined: 3rd Sep 2008

Ride: XH

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NT, Australia

I had to repair the pedal box in my XH the other day. Reading up, it seemed like I had to take the dash out. It may or may not be helpful, but I didn't need to take the dash out and did it the following way, which made the job a whole lot quicker.

- Remove the lower trim panel under the steering column
- Disconnect the battery, clutch cable, brake cable
- Remove the clutch pedal
- Remove the steering column shroud and disconnect all the electrical harnesses on the column
- Remove the instrument cluster and the surround
- Undo all the bolts/nuts on the pedal box. There are 3 at the firewall, 2 holding the steering column, 2 holding the box under the fuses and 2 nuts on the top behind the instrument cluster. Removing the cluster made getting at these nuts easier. Little fingers help.

I then lowered the steering column as far as I could and with only the brake pedal attached to the pedal box I could lift it out with a bit of turning and twisting. Make sure nothing snags on any wiring. Installing was the same process in reverse.

This may not apply for other models and everyone may already know it, but it saved me a fair bit of work.
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