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Ford Falcon BA 2003 Ute XL Indicator and Brake lights 


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 Post subject: Ford Falcon BA 2003 Ute XL Indicator and Brake lights
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:27 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 31

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Ride: Ford Falcon BA 2003

Hi all. I'm having trouble with my Ford Falcon BA XL ute brake lights not working when pressed. My indicators stopped working also. It clicks and stuff but it won't flash on interior or exterior of car. When I put hazards on it flicks fast but no lights going on. Also cruise control ain't going on also as its dasabled since brake and indicator isn't working. Parkers and headlights work normally but not indicators and brake lights not working. Is anyone able to give me an idea what to do to diagnose this problem please? Much help will be much appreciated. Its my first Falcon to ever have this problem. I've also wanted to know if its an electrical issue or can be replaced with a new fuse or relay. I've checked all 4 corners of indicator globes and all is in good shape same as brake light its been in good shape and replaced the brake globe last weekend. If someone has a good explaination to help me fix it it will be highly appreciated. Just was gonna get my ute fixed up but having these electrical has stopped me from fixing anything else up. Please help if you can. Never had this problem befofe.
 Post subject: Re: Ford Falcon BA 2003 Ute XL Indicator and Brake lights
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 6:44 pm 
Fordmods Junkie
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{USERNAME} wrote:
Hi all. I'm having trouble with my Ford Falcon BA XL ute brake lights not working when pressed. My indicators stopped working also. It clicks and stuff but it won't flash on interior or exterior of car. When I put hazards on it flicks fast but no lights going on. Also cruise control ain't going on also as its disabled since brake and indicator isn't working. Parkers and headlights work normally but not indicators and brake lights not working. Is anyone able to give me an idea what to do to diagnose this problem please? Much help will be much appreciated. Never had this problem before.

have you checked the assembly at the top of the column? [combination switch] as it 'may' be the cause for the indicators. have you checked any fuses?
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