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dodgy workmanship, don't you just hate it 


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 Post subject: dodgy workmanship, don't you just hate it
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:08 pm 
Stock as a Rock

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don't you hate it when people don't live up to expectations, I had a fully decked glide with tb built by a very reputable shop, it was built to handle around 1000HP, the thing was painted black but lots of the case wasn't even cleaned properly, ie chunks of dirt, rocks, paint over oil/grease, the case had a 3mm deep dent in the top which actually caused a depression of the case in that area, the whole powerglide experience for me has started out poorly.

Lets just say the builder is one of the most reputable around and priced to match, you would think that they clean the cases before they rubuild them hey, I called the guy and he said that they can't clean the casses to harshly because they might get damaged-what an idiot-total s**t, he then said he would send me some black paint to touch it up-WTF, who spends nearly 4K on a gearbox and expects to get something that looks like it was assembled/painted by retarded blind people, needles to say he is taking the box back, fitting a new case, and I will get this one unpainted that way he can't skimp on the cleaning. I am VERY p****d at this guy, how can he send something to someone expecting to get away with crap like that, makes me wonder if he actually builds them himself or just lets retarded people do it for him. Total loss of trust for him.

If I get it back and am happy with the product I will not identify the person, but if he decides to argue with me at all, I will post on every single forum I can find and send letters/fax to every single shop/supplier/business I have ever bought from or worked for, telling them (with pictorial evidence of course) that this guy has no quality control at all.

How do idiots think they can do this sorta s**t, its like building a motor and telling the owner that the block couldn't be cleaned properly because it might get damaged, who the **** does he think he is, what a .........

Just goes to show that a reputation for doing good work doesn't mean that good work is what you get! He is sooo lucky I live in ACT instead of VIC.
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:19 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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F**k man thats dodgey. it makes you wonder if theve taken the same approach with the workmanship as well. i hate C*** like that. if im paying someone to do something im paying for the work to be done right and not half assed. anyway hope he comes through with the goods.




Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:18 am 
Smokin em up

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Lodge a complaint at 'consumer affairs' as they may be able to help you get what you paid for - a professionally rebuilt box. Also consider lodging a claim for compensation with 'small claims court'.

Avoid the 'slander' path as this may cause you more grief. Mind you, if the small claims court finds in your favuor, it would be much harder for mr. shifty to try and claim you slandered him :D

Just remember as he tries to shaft you, then there are proper ways you can shaft him back.. but 1st priority should be to get your car fixed.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:21 am 
Stock as a Rock

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Yeah I will not name the individual or his business even if he stuffs me around as that is illegal. Depending upon what happens I may need to take further action. Its just totally pathetic.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:54 am 
Getting Side Ways
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Yeah you certainly don't need the seed of doubt thats been planted in your brain now, regarding the quality of work which may or may not have been done on the internals. I mean look at what you have to go on, you just can't be sure now..and I f*&^en hate that too :?
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