philaddis |
Fitted a new set of NGK standard plugs and Ealge 10.5mm leads to the old girl today, during a service. Thought of going to the iridium plugs, but the extra cost was not worth it to me. The plugs are easy enough to change every 40,000 k's anyway! The old plugs were fine as it turns out, but I didn't know that at the time.
Before doing this she was idling like crap in the morning and was really breaking down towards the top of the rev range. The idle has improved hugely and she now pulls pretty solidly to 5000 which is nice. Now I only need one gear change to 100k's! I guess the 12 year old factory 8mm leads (I think they are 8's) were causing the drama's. Importantly.... now the leads are blue rather than grey and they look more schmick! Any way, just thought I would share...............
_________________ ED XR8 Spri-mitatio-nt |
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Andrew J |
Well if they were fine, yet there is notcieable different now, i guess they werent! Original would be 6mm i think, but good to hear it come out positive!
_________________ The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
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philaddis |
Nah, I think the plugs were fine, no sign of any problems, no oil or heat damage.
I would say one or two of the old leads were tracking...........
_________________ ED XR8 Spri-mitatio-nt |
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veeate |
you shouldve just gone for 9mm Eagle Leads....i was told by an Eagle distributor and stockist that the 10.5mm wont give you any more performance if your just running the stock ignition system....i was gonna get the 10.5mm but they told me just to get the 9mm......im not bagging ya or anything....just thought id share my wisdom (the little that i have any way)
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{USERNAME} wrote: you shouldve just gone for 9mm Eagle Leads....i was told by an Eagle distributor and stockist that the 10.5mm wont give you any more performance if your just running the stock ignition system..
The 9 and 10.5mm eagle leads are internally the same, the only difference is the 10.5's have added insulation so no they won't add any extra performance but obviously it doesn't hurt either. |
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philaddis |
{USERNAME} wrote: you shouldve just gone for 9mm Eagle Leads....i was told by an Eagle distributor and stockist that the 10.5mm wont give you any more performance if your just running the stock ignition system....i was gonna get the 10.5mm but they told me just to get the 9mm......im not bagging ya or anything....just thought id share my wisdom (the little that i have any way)
I considered the 9mm leads but they were out of stock and could only supply the 10.5's. I considered waiting for the 9's but then the guy told me that he would do the 10.5's for the 9mm price! Ummmmmm.......... OK!
_________________ ED XR8 Spri-mitatio-nt |
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veeate |
{USERNAME} wrote: {USERNAME} wrote: you shouldve just gone for 9mm Eagle Leads....i was told by an Eagle distributor and stockist that the 10.5mm wont give you any more performance if your just running the stock ignition system....i was gonna get the 10.5mm but they told me just to get the 9mm......im not bagging ya or anything....just thought id share my wisdom (the little that i have any way) I considered the 9mm leads but they were out of stock and could only supply the 10.5's. I considered waiting for the 9's but then the guy told me that he would do the 10.5's for the 9mm price! Ummmmmm.......... OK! oh fair enuf dude..thats hell good!!!...u shouldve got me a stel while u were at it....hahahaha |
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