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 Post subject: help please!
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:42 am 
Stock as a Rock

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i just got a set of second hand k mac springs.

i have a set of xr6 springs in the effy at the moment.

two problems.
1) i put the rears in and one side is slightly higher than the other. only by a bit. i think it may be the way its sitting in the rubbers...

second problem. i put one of the front springs in tonight and it was sooo friggin hard to do. i dont know if i did it wrong but it was a very tight fit out and the since the kmacs are lower (which means the springs are shorter and the end of the spring doesnt sit in the same spot) when i sat them back in the three bolts didnt line back up. so the spirngs had to be turned in the rubber seat at the top and then bolted in which meant they didnt sit very well and as a result they arent any lower!!!

should have heard the words coming ouit of my garage!!!

anyone got any ideas or help?

do i need different top rubber seats for different springs?
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:35 am 
Oompa Loompa
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The rears might be uneven because im pretty sure one is stiffer to account for the fuel tank. It's the same with the rear of my car.

Fronts you probably need spring compressors.
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:36 am 
Smokin em up

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Front you DO need a spring compressor...

make sure you DO NOT undo the bolt on the top of the strut (centre when you look at the 4 bolts from the top of under the bonnet) as this will not only make it impossible to remove without cutting the spring off the car but it will also make the bolt shoot off and if it hits you, it will go through you! You remove the strut without the use of spring compressors (strut and spring remove as a unit, do not take them apart until out of the car and USE spring compressors) You will need spring compressors to get the new springs on the new struts (or old if you are reusing them). Spring compressors are easy to use but for safety get the double claw ones, they are less likely to slip and hurt you. Those springs have a lot of force and its a great way to break some bones!
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