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 Post subject: Quick Q.
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:42 am 
Getting Side Ways

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Quick Question: Can anyone recommend a good tranny place?

(for an oil change?)



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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:41 am 
Getting Side Ways
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i would suggest your garage,, but failing that break out the yellow pages, im pretty sure any place can do a oil change for you



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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:54 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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.... yes and I have enquired around, just asking wether anyone coul recommend somwhere?



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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:09 pm 
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are you doing just an oil change, or a whole tranny flush?

you also haven't mentioned whether you have an auto or manual?

if its just an oil change anyone with no brain could do it, its easier than the cars oil change. But if you really feel incompetent about it, then go to a mechanic. that said, I don't think you need a recommendation as an oil change is so simple that any mechanic can do it without much varation... but if you were getting major work done, then you would need someone trusted, and relatively cheap, with good reputation. By major I mean bands, repairs, etc... if you want to flush out your torque converter, it costs quite a bit ($200+ I got quoted, when I had an auto 8-) ). Im assuming you know that your pan only holds 5 litres of tranny fluid, the rest sits in the torque converter (15 or so Litres). so really a flush is alot better than just an oil change.

And after that essay if you are still convinced that just an oil change requires a shop... go to repco, ask them for an auto service kit, it doesn't cost alot, and that includes a new filter and gasket. And then go home, put your car on stands, bricks whatever so you can get under it... you might want it level though. Then there are 8 or 9 bolts or something around the pan, which are 10mil, work by lossening them a bit first, then start undoing one of the ends, and have something to catch the oil, as you undo it, let it pour out, start undoing all the bolts get the pan, check it for gooey material (bands) or metal (bearings, gears, waht not) its ok for some s**t to be there obviously but not a whole pile at the bottom. Then degrease your pan, make the magnets clean...make it look shiny... then get your filter out (there's a clip over the top) unclip it, get the filter... chuck away. Now, get new filter, clip it in, get the new gasket put it on your newly fresh smelling oil pan, and start doing them up... just tighten them slightly oppositley, and then tighten them all the way again with the same patter, opposite bolts.. this is just so you don't brake the gasket. And then if you have a car with a dip stick, pour your preffered oil in there, and check constantly to see where you are up to, and then start the engine, and keep checking/adding. And then all should be good, check under car for leaks... and your done.

And you can be proud and say that YOU did something to your car.
It'll be probably cheaper this way too.





Cheap, fast and reliable.. choose 2.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:21 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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I have had good dealings with this mob. His name is Con but don't let that scare you away.

Auto Trans
8 Elm St Hampstead Gardens SA 5086

I am assuing you are talking about an automatic.



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Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:56 am 
Getting Side Ways

Age: 41

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cheers guys.
Fluids burnt so I just want new oil in there to keep it happy.

Legends, you three are.
Will get on to it the day after tommorow (payday)
Alex C.



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