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Track Day - Winton - Australia Day Jan 26th 


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 Post subject: Track Day - Winton - Australia Day Jan 26th
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:27 am 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 44

Posts: 19

Joined: 22nd Jul 2007

Ride: BA Falcon

Location: Winton Motor Raceway
VIC, Australia

Well first of all I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years break, now it is time to get back into the motorsport action with a Tampered Motorsport track day, at Winton Motor Raceway. The last day was extremely successful with everyone enjoying the change of the short track and excellent BBQ lunch that was provided. The next Tampered Motorsport day will be on the long circuit and will be held on Monday January 26th, which of course is the Australia Day Holiday.

Entry Fee: $150 which includes Timing costs.

Spectators are more than welcome, and there is no cost to come and watch. Also you can go for a ride in the cars but you must sign on with a Passenger indemnity first. Due to the amount of passengers at previous events our insurer has put a small levy on passengers of $10. You can just pay this when you sign the forms at the Scrutineering office.

The day will kick off when scrutineering starts at 7:30am. You will need to do your paper work at the scrutineering office before you have your car checked. Please make sure you have removed all loose items from inside the car.

Long sleeve and long pants of non flammable materials i.e. No Nylon
AASA license which can be bought on the day for $50 (these last for 12 months) or CAMS L2S
Closed footwear
Helmet that complies to Australian Standards (has ASA or Snell Sticker)
Car needs to be in a good condition, no oil leaks, no loose items in the car and battery secure.
Good condition tyres
Working seatbelt (give it a pull and make sure it locks)
All people wishing to attend need to make payment to the specified bank account. When you send your email with your details you will be sent an entry form as well as payment details. You will need to email the following details

Forum Username or Nickname:
Full Name:
Email Address:
Mobile Phone Number:
Car Make & Model:
Previous best time at Winton:
Forum/Workshop you are a part of:






Winton Motor Raceway - The Nations Action Track

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