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fibreglass bonnet cracked 


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 Post subject: fibreglass bonnet cracked
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:15 pm 
Smokin em up
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Age: 63

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Location: Katoomba
NSW, Australia

The bonnet appeared to have cracked directly above the bonnet latch. On close inspection when you look up into the void there is zero clearance between the back of the bracket and the bonnet outer skin which would transfer all shock and vibration to that point. I contacted the manufacturer and told them I thought it was a latch bracket design fault and they agreed to have a look at it.
After looking at it they admitted it was their liability and asked my paint code etc to match paint when they repaired it and said they would have a custom latch done to avoid the issue re-occuring. The promises made were in line with what you would expect from a company with a good name and I was happy that they seemed pleased to help.

Well what a let down. F#br%sp@&t did very little of what they promised.

The custom latch to avoid the issue never happened and the latch still touches the skin.

The bonnet wasnt painted

The repair was sub standard with huge low spots.

if I had known they would keep my bonnet for one month just to give it back with a bodgy repai that I could have accomplished in the garage in around 30 mins to an hour then I would have just taken it to my local panel shop. I wasted three trips to Tarren Point a total of around 650km around $110 worth of fuel and $16.50 in tolls.
When I got back home I didnt even pull into the driveway I drove straight to my local panel shop to get the job done properly.

By the way the guy admitted that the crack was from faulty workmanship.

Am I unhappy?
You bet

Would I deal with them again?
Not if I can help it

Would I recommend them?
This post is going on the 19 forums I am on so does that answer the question
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