Document Description
FIRSTLY: A Big thankyou goes out to Christopher Nee, for the pictures of the EBII Sports
This Document Describes the differences between various models of Instrument Clusters fitted to the
EA-ED Series Falcons.
It also has information on upgrading an Instrument Cluster, modifications that need to be made, wiring
information, and some points to watch out for when performing these upgrades.
With the EA series of Falcons (and Derivatives), there were three models of Instrument Clusters that
were fitted to these vehicles. Theses Clusters Featured Orange Painted Needles, with an Indirect Orange
(Natural) Illumination, an LCD Based Odometer for the High Series
The Following Images of Clusters have been taken from various EA/EB/ED Models, and include,
The High Series Digital Instrument Cluster as fitted to the EA Fairmont Ghia, and all Fairlane, LTD
The Sports Series Instrument Cluster (Mid Series), as fitted to EB/ED Fairmont Ghia, all Fairmont,
XR6, XR8, and S-Pac Models
The Standard Cluster (Low Series) as fitted to Gli, and Futura Models
EA/ED Base Series Cluster
The EA Base Series Cluster has the following Features
Orange Top Lit Illumination, with Painted Orange Cluster Needles
220Km Electronic Speedo, with 20Km Speed Numeral Markings, and 2Km Line Markings
Fuel Gauge with Electronic Dampening
Temperature Gauge
Smartlock Warning Lamp (EBII and ED)
Park Brake Warning Lamp
Brake Fail Warning Lamp
Turn Signal and High Beam Indicators
Low Oil Warning Lamp
Alternator Warning Lamp
Auto Transmission Power mode indicator (EAIII Onwards)
EA/ED Sports Series Cluster

The EA/ED Mid (Sports) Series Cluster is somewhat similar to the EA/ED Base series Cluster, with the
exception that it has the following extra Features
Oil Pressure Gauge
Battery Voltage Gauge
Low Windscreen Washer Fluid Warning Lamp - (Certain Models Only)
Low Coolant Fluid Warning Lamp
Low Fuel Level Warning Lamp
High Temperature Warning Lamp
Cruise Control Indicator (where fitted)
Lights on with Ignition off warning lamp
6000 RPM Tacho, with 1000RPM Numeral Markings, and 200RPM Line Markings
In addition to these features, the Mid (sports) Series Cluster has the following Features that are
common with the Base Series Cluster.
Orange Top Down Illumination, with Painted Orange Cluster Needles
220Km Electronic Speedo, with 20Km Speed Numeral Markings, and 2Km Line Markings
Fuel Gauge with Electronic Dampening with Low Fuel Warning Lamp
Temperature Gauge, with high Temperature warning Lamp
Smartlock Warning Lamp (EBII and ED Models)
Park Brake Warning Lamp
Brake Fail Warning Lamp
Turn Signal and High Beam Indicators
Low Oil Warning Lamp
Alternator Warning Lamp
ABS Fault Indicator (where fitted - EBII Onwards)
Auto Transmission "Power" mode indicator (EAIII onwards)
High Series Cluster
The High series cluster (Or the Digital Cluster) is a mix of the Low and Sports Series Cluster.
It includes a Classic style (Needle) Tacho, Temperature, and Fuel Gauge.
Where it differs to the low and mid series Clusters is that it has a Digital (LCD Based) Speedo,
Odometer, and Trip Meter.
It also has a Car Outline warning system, which shows graphically any Doors open, Boot or Fuel Flap is
Finally, it has a Cruise Control On Warning on the Car Outline LCD Panel, as well as a seat beat warning
Other Features include
Low Windscreen Washer Fluid Warning Lamp (On LCD)
Orange (Top) Illumination, with Painted Orange Cluster Needles
Orange Filtered LCD Panels
199Km Electronic LCD Based Speedo
6000 RPM Tacho, with 1000RPM Numeral Markings, and 200RPM Line Markings
Fuel Gauge with Electronic Dampening with Low Fuel Warning Lamp
Temperature Gauge, with high Temperature warning Lamp
Seatbelt Warning Lamp
Smartlock Warning Lamp (EBII and Onwards)
Park Brake Warning Lamp
Brake Fail Warning Lamp
Turn Signal and High Beam Indicators
Lights on with Ignition off warning lamp
Low Oil Warning Lamp
Alternator Warning Lamp
Low Coolant Warning Lamp
ABS Fault Indicator Lamp (Where fitted - EBII Onwards)
Auto Transmission Power mode indicator (EAIII Onwards)
Cruise Control Indicator (On LCD)
Check Suspension Warning Lamp
Vehicle Outline, with Door Ajar, Boot, and Fuel Flap Status Indicators (On LCD)
Upgrading and swapping Instrument Clusters
With exception to the High Series (LCD) cluster, it is possible to change between different Cluster
models rather painlessly.
All the Clusters use the Same Main Wiring Connector, but the High Series Cluster also have an extra
connector for the Door Outline LCD Panel.
Also, the Main Cluster connector has different Wiring Connections going to it, when compared to the Low
and Mid Series Clusters. Therefore when fitting a High Series Cluster to a Low/Mid Series Vehicle, you
will need to re-wire this connector.
Upgrading From a Low Series Cluster to a Mid Series (Sports) Cluster
As mentioned above, fitting the Mid/Sports Cluster to a GLi/Futura Model Falcon is rather painless.
Some points though you will need to consider when sourcing/buying a mid series Cluster will include,
If you have smartlock fitted, make sure you get a sports cluster from a Smartlock Fitted Vehicle
(EBII Onwards). Otherwise the Smartlock Jewel may not be present on the Instrument Cluster.
The Cruise control Lamp was only made available on EBII Mid (Sports) clusters, so If fitting / or if
Cruise Control is fitted, you will need to get a cluster with the Cruise Control Warning Lamp
If you have a 4 speed electronic Auto, you will need to make sure that you get a Mid (Sports)
Cluster from an EAIII or onwards, as earlier clusters may not have the "Power" Warning Lamp.
If the above has not scared you off, then you are ready to start wiring some extra features to make the
Cluster function correctly.
The Features you will need to wire up include,
The Tacho Input for the Instrument Cluster (So as the Tacho Functions)
Low Washer Level Warning Lamp (Which will require a Low Washer Switch, and wiring to function).
Replacing the Low Oil Pressure switch, with an Oil Pressure sender. (In order for the Oil Pressure
Gauge to function correctly).
Information for these steps are detailed further on within the document.
Replacing a Low/Mid Series Cluster with the High Series Cluster Model
There are a few points that you will need to remember when considering to fit the High Series (LCD)
Cluster to a GLi/Futura/S/Fairmont Model Falcon.
If you have smartlock fitted, make sure you get a High Series cluster from a Smartlock Fitted
Vehicle (EBII Onwards). Otherwise the Smartlock Jewel may not be present on the Instrument Cluster.
If you have a 4 speed electronic Auto, you will need to make sure that you get a Mid (Sports)
Cluster from an EAIII or onwards, as earlier clusters may not have the "Power" Warning Lamp.
The Odometer Reading is stored electronically, via an EEPROM. This will either need to be changed to
match the current Vehicle Odo Reading, or a cluster with a similar Odo Reading will need to be
You will need to source the 20 Pin 3rd Electrical Connector, that is used to send the extra
information to the Cluster.
If you have found a cluster, and a connector that matches the above criteria, then you are ready to
start re-wiring the cluster connectors to make the new Cluster function correctly.
Re-Wiring the Cluster electrical connectors will be a long process, and just some of the electrical
connections you will need to change will include
The Tacho Input for the Instrument Cluster (So as the Tacho Functions - For Low Series Cluster
Low Washer Level Warning Lamp (If not fitted previously - Which will require a Low Washer Switch,
and wiring to function).
The Oil Pressure Sender MAY need to be replaced to an Oil Pressure switch, if swapping from a Sports
Series Cluster (The Low Oil Pressure Lamp may glow dimly when using an Oil Pressure Sender, instead of a
The Door Switch Wiring will need to be cut for EVERY Door, and a Relay, and resistor array will need
to be spliced in, and wired up, for the Door Open LCD Warning to work.
The Existing Wiring Connector for the Instrument Cluster will require HEAVY Modification, (I.E.
Wires will need to be cut, and resoldered in to new positions), In order for the High Series Cluster to
Information for these steps are detailed further on within the document.
Swapping Odometer Readings
Obviously, when swapping Instrument clusters, you will want to keep the same Odometer Readings for your
For the Low, and Mid Series Clusters, this is not too difficult, but will require the Instrument Cluster
to be disassembled in order to do this.
Because the high series clusters have a digital Odometer, simply cracking open, and winding the Odometer
backwards will not work.
So how is the Odometer reading changed ?
Firstly, you will need to know a little bit about electronics.
The Odometer Reading, as well as the Trip meter, Service spanner setting, and possibly other settings,
are stored in a device known in the Electronics industry as an EEPROM, or E2PROM, (pronounced
E squared Prom).
An E2PROM is an Electrically Erasable, Electrically Programable,
Read Only Memory, very similar to the Flash upgradeable Computer Bios.
Anyway, without boring you on how an E2PROM works, the model used in the VDO Instrument
Clusters is an X24C44 Surface Mount model.
It is this chip that stores the Odometer, as well as other readings.
When swapping Instrument Clusters, you will need to Re-Program this chip, if the Odo Reading is well
outside of the desired range.
Unfortunately, I have no idea on how to re-program this chip, and as such, you will need to either take
the cluster to an authorised Ford Dealer, or to a Instrument Cluster calibration specialist.
Adding an Oil Pressure Sensor
Because the Low and High series Instrument Clusters do not have an Oil Pressure Meter, these vehicles do
not have an Oil Pressure sensor fitted.
Instead of the Oil Pressure sender, they use an Oil Pressure switch.
What is the difference between these Oil Switch sender thingies I hear you ask ?
The Oil Pressure switch is just that, it switches to Ground when the Oil Pressure drops below a certain
This means that the Oil Pressure switch is only good for Switching a low Oil Pressure Lamp On or
If a Mid series Instrument cluster is used with an Oil Pressure switch, the Oil Pressure gauge will
either show 0 Oil Pressure, or very very High Oil Pressure, with no intermediate pressure.
The Oil Pressure Sender has a constantly variable Voltage, that is directly related to the Oil
Obviously, this variable voltage is required for an Oil Pressure gauge.
Likewise, if fitting a High Series Cluster, to a vehicle that originally had a Mid Series Cluster, then
you will need to swap the Oil Pressure sender, with an Oil Pressure switch.
Without making this change, the High Series Clusters Oil Pressure Warning Lamp will glow Dimly under
Normal Operating conditions.
With the Pressure sender, this is Normal, but obviously not ideal.
Finally the Mid Series Instrument Clusters also compare this voltage, and if the Voltage falls below a
predetermined level, the low Oil Pressure Warning lamp is Illuminated.
The Oil Pressure Switch, and Oil Pressure sensor are located in exactly the same place, and as stated
above, if fitting a Mid or High series Cluster, (I.E. upgrading from a Low series cluster), the Oil
Pressure switch will need to be replaced with an Oil Pressure sensor.
These sensors are located roughly about 2 inches above the Oil Filter, on the Inline 6 motors.
The sensor also has a single wire coming from it, with a spade electrical connector.
The Oil Pressure sensor can be purchased from Wreckers for around $20.
Or alternatively, can be bought from Ford for around $50.00 - Ford Part Number EF-9D290-A
Wiring the Tacho for Mid and High Series Clusters
If fitting a Mid or High series Cluster to a Low Series Model, you will need to run 1 wire from the
Engine Bay (More specific, the Pink Wire that is coming off the top of the Ignition Coil), to the
Instrument Cluster.
For the Mid (Sports) Series Cluster, this wire needs to be run to the Lower Connector, Pin 8.
For High Series (LCD) Clusters, this wire needs to be run to the Upper Main Connector, Pin 2.
PLEASE NOTE : When Purchasing/sourcing an Instrument Cluster, ENSURE that you get the same model that
is suitable for your engine type !
I.E. If you have a 6 cylinder, then you will need to source a 6 Cylinder Instrument Cluster.
Likewise, If fitting an Instrument Cluster for a V8, then the Instrument Cluster MUST BE OBTAINED FROM A
The Tacho sections for these models are different, and will therefore will be outside of calibration
(I.E. V8 Cluster in a 6 will read a lower RPM, and a I6 Cluster fitted to a V8 will read a Higher
Adding the Power Line for the Volt Meter (When Fitting a Mid/Sports Cluster)
When fitting the Mid series Cluster, you will need to add 1 wire from the Battery (+) Positive Terminal,
in order for the Battery Volt Meter to function correctly.
The Wire needs to be connected to the Pin 9, on the Upper Instrument Cluster Main Connector (The 12 Pin
If you are lazy, it is possible to simply run a wire from Pin 6 or Pin 7, on the Lower Instrument
Cluster Connector (The Ignition Power Input Lines).
If you are up for the work, you could run this cable to either the ignition switch, or Radio Constant
Power Supply. (Doing this will allow for slightly more accurate readings from the gauge)
Adding the Low Coolant sensor
This is a worthwhile modification that can be made to the EF and EL Series model Falcons, as it is
relatively inexpensive to do, and it can be added to ALL Instrument clusters, (low, Mid, and High
Considering the number of cases of Head Gasket Problems with the EF and EL, this modification could save
you a lot of money !
The only models that do not have the low Coolant Sensor are unfortunately, the GLi models.
The Low Coolant Sensor is integrated in to the Plastic coolant Bottle, but can be added to an existing
coolant bottle.
The part you will require is 10K888-AA, the low coolant level sensor.
This part simply screws in to the existing Coolant Overflow Bottle, but you will need to remove the
blanking plug first.
Once this part has been fitted, you will then need to wire it up to the Instrument cluster
One wire is Black, and is connected directly to ground.
The other wire colour, Yellow/Red, should be connected directly to the Instrument Cluster, low coolant
lamp, On the Right Hand Side connector, Pin Number 3.
Finally, you will need to add the Low coolant sensor Bulb to the Instrument Cluster.
This Bulb is located right next to the LCD Panel, on the Right Hand Side (With the Back of the
Instrument Cluster facing towards you). The socket for this bulb may be blanked out by a round paper
sticker, simply remove this sticker, and fit a new Bulb and Bulb Holder.
Adding the Low Windscreen Washer Sensor
The Low Windscreen Washer Fluid Sensor detects when the level of the Windscreen washer fluid falls to a
level that allows only a few more seconds of Windscreen washer operation.
The Warning lamp is integrated within the LCD Odometer panel, on the EF and EL Series Falcons, and
surprisingly enough, it is actually available on all clusters.
Unfortunately, if you have a GLi Model, without ABS, then you will not have the electrical connector,
and wiring already available.
EF/EL Futura Models, and GLi Models with ABS fitted will have this connector already fitted, and wired
up, so all that is needed is to add the Low Washer Fluid Switch, which is part of the Windscreen washer
The Windscreen washer Level sensor is a simple On Off switch, and is integrated within the Washer
Bottle, using a rubber grommet. The sensor can be removed and fitted, but you would probably find that
it is easier to simply purchase a new/used Bottle with the sensor already fitted, from a Fairmont,
Fairlane or LTD.
The electrical connector is a Female T piece, and is exactly the same type as used on the Front Turn
This piece has 2 wires coming from it, 1 wire is connected directly to ground (Black), and the other
wire goes to the Instrument Cluster Right hand side connector. (Pink/Yellow wire)
(See below for Wiring Information, in regards to the Right Hand Side Instrument Cluster Connector).
As mentioned above, when the Windscreen washer level drops to a low level, this switch conducts, causing
the Pink/Yellow wire going to the Cluster to be grounded. The Instrument Cluster will then illuminate
the Warning segment, on the LCD Panel.
Wiring Information for the EA Low and Mid Series Instrument Clusters (Main Connector)
EA Falcon Low and Mid Series Instrument Cluster Connector 1 (Upper Main Connector)
NOTE : Does not include ABS Warning, Power/Econ, and Smartlock LED wiring
Pin No
| Low Description
| Mid Description
| Input
| Wire Colour
Pin 1 |
Illumination Input - |
Illumination Input - |
Rheostat -VE |
Blue/Red |
Pin 2 |
Illumination Input + |
Illumination Input + |
Park Lamps + |
Brown |
Pin 3 |
Left Hand Indicator |
Left Hand Indicator |
+12V |
Green |
Pin 4 |
Ground |
Ground |
- Battery |
Black |
Pin 5 |
Ground |
Ground |
- Battery |
Black |
Pin 6 |
Pin 7 |
Pin 8 |
Ground |
Ground |
- Battery |
Black |
Pin 9 |
Volt Gauge Input |
+ Battery |
Yellow/Black |
Pin 10 |
Temperature Gauge Input |
Temperature Gauge Input |
Variable Voltage |
Red/White |
Pin 11 |
Right Hand Turn Signal I/P |
Right Hand Turn Signal I/P |
+12V On |
Green/Brown |
Pin 12 |
High Beam Input |
High Beam Input |
+12V On |
Green / Orange |
Lower Connector (16 Pin) for Low and Mid Series Instrument Clusters
NOTE : Does not include ABS Warning, Power/Econ, and Smartlock LED wiring
Pin No
| Low Description
| Mid Description
| Input
| Wire Colour
Pin 1 |
Ground (Signal) Input |
Ground (Signal) Input |
Ground |
Black |
Pin 2 |
Fuel Gauge Input |
Fuel Gauge Input |
Sender |
Yellow/Green |
Pin 3 |
Rear Window Demist Input |
Rear Window Demist Input |
+12V On |
Violet/White |
Pin 4 |
Low Oil Pressure Input |
Oil Pressure Sender Input |
Ground 0 (Lamp On) - High Impedance 7 |
White/Red |
Pin 5 |
Alternator Fail Input |
Alternator Fail Input |
Ign On/Alt Off |
Grey/Yellow |
Pin 6 |
Ignition Switch Input |
Ignition Switch Input |
+12V Ignition on |
Red/Green |
Pin 7 |
Ignition Switch Input |
Ignition Switch Input |
+12V Ignition on |
Red/Green |
Pin 8 |
Tachometer Input |
PWM From Sender |
Pink/Blue |
Pin 9 |
Low Coolant Input (Not all models) |
Low Coolant Input |
180R On, 1380 Off |
Yellow/Red |
Pin 10 |
Low Washer Input (Not All Models) |
Low Washer Input |
Ground On |
Pink/Yellow |
Pin 11 |
Pin 12 |
Park Brake Input |
Park Brake Input |
Ground On |
Orange/Green |
Pin 13 |
Brake Fail Warning |
Brake Fail Warning |
Ground On |
Violet/White |
Pin 14 |
Pin 15 |
Speedo Supply Output |
Speedo Supply output |
+5V |
Red |
Pin 16 |
Speedo Signal Input |
Speedo Signal Input |
PWM from speedo sender |
White |
Wiring Information for the EA/ED High Series Instrument Clusters (Main Connector)
High Series Main Instrument Cluster Upper Connector (12 Pin)
NOTE : Does not include Smartlock LED wiring
Pin No
| Description |
Signal |
Wire Colour |
Pin 1 |
Ignition Input |
+12V Ign Switch |
Red/Green |
Pin 2 |
Tachometer Input |
PWM from sender |
Pink/Blue |
Pin 3 |
Ground Signal |
Battery - |
Black/Green |
Pin 4 |
Speedo Supply Output |
+5V |
Red |
Pin 5 |
Speedo Signal Input |
PWM from speedo sender |
White |
Pin 6 |
Park Brake Input |
Ground On |
Orange/Green |
Pin 7 |
Alternator Fail |
Ign On, Alt Off |
Grey / Yellow |
Pin 8 |
Brake Fail |
Ground On |
Violet/White |
Pin 9 |
Boot Lid Open |
Ground On |
Black/Orange |
Pin 10 |
Check Suspension Warning |
Ground On |
Green |
Pin 11 |
Low Oil Pressure Warning |
Ground On |
White/Red |
Pin 12 |
Battery Power |
+12V |
Yellow/Black |
High Series Main Instrument Cluster Lower Connector (16 Pin)
NOTE : Does not include smartlock LED wiring
Pin No
| Description |
Signal |
Wire Colour |
Pin 1 |
Left Front Door Input |
180R Closed / 1380R open |
White/Red |
Pin 2 |
Left Rear Door Input |
180R Closed / 1380R open |
Black/Red |
Pin 3 |
Fuel Gauge Input |
Sender Voltage |
Yellow/Green |
Pin 4 |
Fuel Flap Open Input |
180R Closed / 1380R open |
Blue/Black |
Pin 5 |
Low Coolant Warning |
180R Off / 1380R On |
Yellow/Red |
Pin 6 |
Right Front Door Input |
180R Closed / 1380R open |
White |
Pin 7 |
Right Rear Door Input |
180R Closed / 1380R open |
Black/Orange |
Pin 8 |
Low Washer Fluid Warning |
Ground On |
Pink/Yellow |
Pin 9 |
Diagnostic Input |
+12V |
No Wire Present |
Pin 10 |
Ground Input |
Ground |
Black |
Pin 11 |
Ground Input |
Ground |
No Wire Present |
Pin 12 |
Buzzer Control O/P |
+12V On |
White/Black |
Pin 13 |
Cruise Control Input |
+12V On |
Violet/Blue |
Pin 14 |
Ground Input |
Ground |
No Wire Present |
Pin 15 |
Pin 16 |
Wiring Information for the EA/ED High Series Instrument Clusters (Secondary Connector)
High Series Secondary Instrument Cluster Connector (20 Pin)
Pin No
| Description |
Signal |
Wire Colour |
Pin 1 |
Illumination (-) Input |
Rheostat -Ve Dim |
Blue/Red |
Pin 2 |
Illumination (+) Input |
Park Lamps +Ve Power |
Brown |
Pin 3 |
Right Hand Turn Signal Input |
+12V On |
Green/Brown |
Pin 4 |
Left Hand Turn Signal Input |
+12V On |
Green |
Pin 5 |
Ground I/P |
Ground |
Black |
Pin 6 |
LCD Illumination Input (+) |
+12V |
30 |
Pin 7 |
LCD Illumination Input (-) |
Display Intensity Switch |
88HBlack/White |
Pin 8 |
Rear Window Demister Input |
+12V On |
Violet/White |
Pin 9 |
Check Suspension Input |
Ground On |
Green |
Pin 10 |
Alternator Fail Warning |
Ign On, Alt Off |
Grey/Yellow |
Pin 11 |
Low Oil Pressure Warning |
Ground On |
White/Red |
Pin 12 |
High Beam Input |
+12V On |
Green/Orange |
Pin 13 |
Temperature Gauge Input |
Sender Voltage |
Red/White |
Pin 14 |
Park Brake Input |
Ground On |
Orange/Green |
Pin 15 |
Brake Fail Input |
Ground On |
Violet/White |
Pin 16 |
Power/Econ Mode (EAIII Auto
onwards) |
Ground On |
Green |
Pin 17 |
Check ABS Lamp |
Ground On |
White/Blue |
Pin 18 |
Ignition Input |
+12V Ignition Switch |
Red/Green |
Pin 19 |
Ignition Input |
+12V Ignition Switch |
Red/Green |
Pin 20 |
Ground |
Ground |
Black/Green |