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 Thermo Fan Wiring
Ford BA Falcon, Quick and Easy Modifications
The Purpose of this document is to Outline wiring information for the EF/EL/AU/BA and Territory Thermo Fans.
After working on some ex-Taxis, it has become apparent that there are possible troubles with the thermo fans on EF and EL Models.
Basically, this Document will describe not only fitting and wiring thermo fans for the same model car (Eg. EF to EF), but also how to wire up thermo fans designed for a different model altogether (Eg AU Fans on an EF).

The thermo fan wiring Discussed within this document includes, but is not limited to,
  • EFs 3 Mode (4 Relay) Fan system.
  • ELs 2 Mode (3 Relay) Fan System.
  • AUs 2 Mode (3 Relay) Fan System.
  • BAs 2 Mode (3 Relay) Fan System.
  • EFs 3 Mode (4 Relay Fan System) - Description
    EF/NF/DF model falcons are fitted with two electric fans controlled by four relays linked to the EEC module.
    During Service operations ensure that the fan is not rotated in a direction opposing normal operation as this may damage the motor.
    Three operating modes are used (Excluding OFF) depending on the status of the four relays (Determined by the EEC module).
    The different operating modes provide different cooling capabilities.
    Mode FAN SPEED rpm RELAY 1 (N/O) RELAY 2 (N/O) RELAY 3 (N/C) RELAY 4 (N/C)
    M1 M2
    1 Part
    Off Open On Closed Power to M2 Off Closed On Open Diverts Power to M1
    2 Full
    Off Open On Closed Power to M2 On Open Power to M1 Off Closed
    3 Full
    On Closed Power to M2 On Closed Power to M2 On Open Power to M1 Off Closed
    EL/AU/BA 2 Mode (3 Relay Fan System) - Description
    EL/AU/BA model falcons are fitted with two electric fans controlled by three relays linked to the EEC / Visteon Oak module.
    During Service operations ensure that the fan is not rotated in a direction opposing normal operation as this may damage the motor.
    Two operating modes are used (Excluding OFF) depending on the status of the Three relays (Determined by the EEC /Visteon Oak module).
    The different operating modes provide different cooling capabilities.
    WARNING - On BA/Territory models, the Fans may start with the ignition in any position !
    It is recommended that you disconnect the earth lead on the battery, before servicing the thermo fans!
    Mode FAN SPEED rpm RELAY 1 (N/O) RELAY 2 (N/O) RELAY 3 (N/C)
    M1 M2
    1 Low Part
    On Off Off
    2 Full
    On On On
    Thermo Fan wiring information

    This section describes the differences in the thermo fan wiring for EF/EL/AU and BA model falcons.
    Simply put, the main difference is that the EF model thermo fans have an extra wire (Orange Colour) from the vehicle going to the fan to allow for an extra fan speed for the Right Hand Side Fan.
    Because of this, the right hand side fan plug for the EFs (From the fan) has 3 wires going to it (Red, White, and Black).
    The Right Hand side plug is the same for all models, and (From the fan) only has 2 wires going to it (Red and Black).
    Wiring an EF Thermo Fan to an EF

    This information is provided just in case the Fan plugs have been cut or removed, (habib-ed).
    The following chart will give you a better description of what wire goes where.
    Wire Plug Goes to Purpose
    Black RHs 2 Pin - 2 wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to RHS fan (Permanent)
    Violet / Yellow Stripe RHs 2 Pin - 2 wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 3 (SPDT)
    Orange 1 LHs 4 Pin - 3 Wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 1 (SPST)
    Orange 2 LHs 4 Pin - 3 Wires White Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 2 (SPST)
    Pink / White LHs 4 Pin - 3 Wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to RHS fan via Relay 4 (SPDT)
    Or Ground Routed through RHS fan via Relay 3
    Wiring an EL/AU/BA Thermo Fan to an EL/AU/BA

    This information is provided just in case the Fan plugs have been cut or removed, (habib-ed).
    The following chart will give you a better description of what wire goes where.
    Wire Plug Goes to Purpose
    Black RHs 2 Pin - 2 wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to RHS fan (Permanent)
    Orange RHs 2 Pin - 2 Wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 2
    Violet / Yellow Stripe LHs 4 Pin - 2 wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to LHS fan via Relay 1 (SPST)
    Pink / White LHs 4 Pin - 2 Wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to LHS fan via Relay 3 (SPST)
    Or Ground Routed through LHS fan via Relay 2
    Wiring an EF Thermo Fan to an EL/AU/BA

    This information is provided just in case you only have an EF fan available. (Vehicle to be habib-ed).
    Basically the extra wire on LHS thermo fan (White colour from the fan) is connected to the other power lead (Red Colour from the fan) on the same plug.
    You will need to modify the plugs in order for the fans to work.
    One way to do this (Not pretty), is to cut the fan plugs off the ends from the vehicle side, and use Female spade connectors, plugging these directly into the fan plugs (on the fan side).
    The following chart will give you a better description of what wire goes where.
    Wire Plug Goes to Purpose
    Black RHs 2 Pin - 2 wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to RHS fan (Permanent)
    Orange RHs 2 Pin - 2 Wires Red and White Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 2
    Violet / Yellow Stripe LHs 4 Pin - 2 wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to LHS fan via Relay 1 (SPST)
    Pink / White LHs 4 Pin - 2 Wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to LHS fan via Relay 3 (SPST)
    Or Ground Routed through LHS fan via Relay 2
    Wiring an EL/AU/BA Thermo Fan to an EF

    This information is provided just in case you only don’t have an EF fan available. (Vehicle to be habib-ed).
    Basically the extra orange wire on for the LHS thermo fan (goes to the White colour on an EF fan) is connected to the other Orange Fan power lead on the same plug.
    This basically ensures that the fan is powered up regardless of the Fan speed mode required by the EEC.
    Also You will need to modify the plugs in order for the fans to work.
    One way to do this (Not pretty), is to cut the fan plugs off the ends from the vehicle side, and use Female spade connectors, plugging these directly into the fan plugs (on the fan side).
    The following chart will give you a better description of what wire goes where.
    Wire Plug Goes to Purpose
    Black RHs 2 Pin - 2 wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to RHS fan (Permanent)
    Violet / Yellow Stripe RHs 2 Pin - 2 wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 3 (SPDT)
    Orange 1 LHs 4 Pin - 3 Wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 1 (SPST)
    2 Orange lines should be connected
    Orange 2 LHs 4 Pin - 3 Wires Red Wire on Fan Supplies power to RHS fan via Relay 2 (SPST)
    2 Orange lines should be connected
    Pink / White LHs 4 Pin - 3 Wires Black Wire on Fan Supplies ground to RHS fan via Relay 4 (SPDT)
    Or Ground Routed through RHS fan via Relay 3
    Diagnostic Testing (only EF/EL Models presently)
    There are 2 methods to diagnose problems with the thermo fan system on EF and EL Model Falcons.
    The first method is by far the easiest and trouble free solution, as it does not require diagnostic mode.

    Testing the Thermo Fan operation - Easy method
  • 1. Ensure that it is safe to start the engine on the vehicle to be tested. (I.E. no tools in engine bay, etc).
  • 2. Start the engine of the vehicle.
  • 3. For non climate control cars - Turn the Air-conditioning to MAX, and the Fan speed to MAX.
  • 3. For auto climate control cars - Press AUTO, and set the temperature to the lowest possible setting.
    Once this has been carried out, the Thermo fans should be running at their High Speed setting.

    Testing the Thermo Fan operation - Using the EEC Diagnostic mode.
  • 1. With the Ignition Switch Off, Connect the Engine STI Input to ground, (The STI Input is the First pin from the left, upper row, connect this to the Pin directly below it)
  • 2. Place the Transmission in to gear to turn the Thermo Fans On, and Place the Transmission into neutral to stop Fan operation.
  • 3. If both fans do not operate, then you may have trouble codes logged within the EEC-V memory. You must clear these codes for the Thermo fan test to work !
     Document Summary
    Document description: Thermo Fan wiring and Cross fitting information for EF-EL-AU-BA & Territory Models
    Document written by: Matti on 19 2005>, Copyright © 2005 Matti, all rights reserved.
    Document revised: 19 2005 - Revision 3.0
    Document views: 57685 since 19 2005



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